An excellent opportunity to purchase a spacious detached double-fronted dormer bungalow in a highly regarded location. Conveniently placed for local amenities, commuting access, bus routes and schooling. Comprising: Entrance hall, lounge, dining kitchen, house bathroom, utility room, master bedroom, study/playroom and 2 further bedrooms to the first floor with wc. Gas centrally heated and double glazed. Externally there is a driveway which provides ample off-road parking and leads to single garage. Sizable enclosed rear garden.
Ground floor
entrance hall
With delft rack, loft access and radiator.
Lounge 14'0' into bay x 12'9'
A good size reception room situated to the front of the property with a gas fire within a stone fireplace, double glazed window and radiator.
Bedroom 1 14'0' into bay x 12'1'
A good size double bedroom again situated to the front of the property with fitted robes to one wall, double glazed bay window and radiator.
House bathroom 8'4' x 5'8'
Being fully tiled and fitted with a 3 piece suite in white comprising panelled bath with shower over, low flush wc and hand wash basin. There is a double glazed window, radiator and towel rail.
Dining kitchen 12'9' x 11'9'
Fitted with a range of wall and base units with complementary work surfaces incorporating a single drainer sink unit. There is a gas cooker point, space for fridge, three double glazed windows, gas fire, cupboard and door giving access through to the:
Utility 25'8' x 5'0'
A good size utility room which has six double glazed windows and French doors giving access out onto the garden. There is plumbing for automatic washing machine and space for a dryer and could be utilised as a seating area if required.
Study/playroom 11'8' x 9'9'
A flexible room with understairs storage, double glazed window, radiator and stairs leading to the first floor.
First floor
With storage cupboard.
WC 5'8' x 3'3'
Fitted with a low flush wc, hand wash basin and radiator.
Bedroom 2 12'9' x 7'8'
Again, a further good size double bedroom with fitted robes to one wall, double glazed window and radiator.
Bedroom 3 7'7' x 6'1'
With double glazed window and radiator.
To the front of the property there is a low maintenance garden area with driveway to side providing ample off-road parking and leads to a detached single garage. To the rear of the property there is a further enclosed garden with patio seating area but largely laid to lawn.
Garage 16'8' x 8'2'
With an up-and-over door, light and power, two single glazed windows and open to:
Store 11'4' x 6'2'
With a door giving access out onto the garden.
Outhouse 10'0' x 6'2'
front elevation
rear garden
From Huddersfield take Trinity Street (A640), pass the Junction Inn and continue into Westbourne Road and the Marsh shopping centre. Turn left onto Reed Street which becomes Luck Lane, take the second right onto Carr Street and first left onto Gorse Road. Turn right onto Rose Avenue where the property will be found on the left hand side highlighted by the Boultons flag board.
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