Property description
PRICE GUIDE £155-160,000
Robert Ellis are extremely pleased to bring to the market this larger than average THREE BEDROOM traditional bay fronted property that benefits from modern conveniences such as GAS CENTRAL HEATING and DOUBLE GLAZING and an additional benefit of the property is the fact the property has been extended to the rear elevation creating a third reception room along with a larger than average kitchen. The property has a driveway to the front elevation, large enough for two vehicles with an additional store to the side.
The property is constructed of brick to the external elevations all under a tiled roof and the accommodation in brief comprises of entrance hallway, living room, dining room, garden room/play room and ground floor w.c. and extended refitted modern kitchen. To the first floor there are three good size bedrooms and a larger than average master family bathroom. As previously mentioned there is a gated driveway to the front elevation providing secure OFF THE ROAD HARD STANDING whilst to the rear there is an enclosed larger than average garden being laid mainly to lawn with mature shrubs and trees planted to the borders.
The property is extremely well located for easy access to all the amenities provided including the Tesco and Asda superstores and numerous other retail outlets found on the high street, schools for all ages being with the catchment for GRANGE SCHOOL, health care and sports facilities, excellent transport links including J25 of the M1, Long Eaton Station, East Midlands Airport and the A52 providing direct access to Nottingham and Derby. Selling with the benefit of NO UPWARD CHAIN.
Porch: With UPVC double glazed door to the front elevation with double glazed panels to either side, tiled flooring, recessed spotlights to the ceiling and internal glazed door to:
Entrance Hallway: With original tiled flooring, wall mounted radiator, stairs leading to the first floor, picture rail, glazed door to the front elevation with leaded panels to either side, door to:
Understairs w.c.: With tiling to the floor, low flush w.c., wall mounted electric consumer unit. Doors leading off to:
Living Room: [4.5m (14ft 9in) into bay x 3.51m (11ft 6in) approx] with UPVC double glazed bay window to the front elevation, wall mounted fire, laminate flooring, coving to ceiling, wall light points, wall mounted double radiator and archway leading through to:
Dining Room: [4.27m (14ft 0in) x 3.45m (11ft 4in) approx] with laminate flooring, coving to the ceiling, wall light points, decorative modern inset fire with slate hearth and wooden mantle, wall mounted double radiator and internal glazed door to:
Family Room/Play Room: [3.33m (10ft 11in) x 2.84m (9ft 4in) approx] with UPVC double glazed French doors with double glazed panels to either side and above leading through to the enclosed rear garden, wall mounted radiator, tiling to the floor, wall light points and opening to:
Extended Kitchen: [5.99m (19ft 8in) x 1.9m (6ft 3in) approx] with a range of contemporary wall and base units incorporating a roll edged work surface over, UPVC double glazed windows to the side and rear elevations with Velux style window to the pitched roof, recessed spotlights to the ceiling, space and plumbing for automatic washing machine, space and gas point for free standing 'Range' cooker, 'Baxi' gas central heating combination boiler housed within storage cupboard, space and plumbing for automatic washing machine, inset stainless steel sink with mixer tap over and tiled splashbacks, Ample storage cupboards with pantry providing useful additional space for free standing fridge freezer, double glazed door to the side elevation providing access to block paved storage and access to the enclosed garden at the rear.
First Floor Landing: With UPVC double glazed window to the side elevation and original panelled doors leading off to:
Bedroom 1: [4.65m (15ft 3in) into bay x 3.28m (10ft 9in) approx] with UPVC double glazed bay window to the front elevation, laminate flooring, wall mounted radiator and two built-in wardrobes to either side of the chimney breast.
Bedroom 2: [3.84m (12ft 7in) x 3.51m (11ft 6in) approx] with UPVC double glazed window to the rear elevation, wall mounted radiator, laminate flooring and built-in wardrobe providing ample storage space.
Bedroom 3: [2.87m (9ft 5in) x 1.96m (6ft 5in) approx] with UPVC double glazed window to the front elevation and wall mounted radiator.
Bathroom: Comprising of a white three piece suite of 'P' shaped panelled bath incorporating mains fed shower over, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush w.c., two UPVC double glazed windows to the side elevation, tiled splashbacks, tiling to the floor, loft access hatch and modern chrome heated towel rail.
Outside: To the front of the property there is a large block paved driveway providing ample off the road hard standing for several vehicles, pathway leading to the front entrance door, shrubs and trees planted to the boundaries with fencing to the borders, gated access to the garage/storage space to the side of the property. To the rear of the property there is a block paved pathway to the side elevation leading to the paved patio area at the rear, garden being laid mainly to lawn with mature shrubs and trees planted to the borders, fencing to the boundaries and hard standing for sheds. Outside tap and gated access to storage at the side of the property.
Side Storage: [5m (16ft 5in) x 1.7m (5ft 7in) approx] with power and secure gated access to both front and rear elevations.
Directions: Proceed out of Long Eaton along Nottingham Road where the property can be found on the left hand side as identified by our 'for sale' board.
Property Features :
- Extended semi
- No upward chain
- Close to local amenities
- Gas central heating
- Double glazing
Property Info: