Property description
WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER FOR SALE THIS MODERN EXTENDED PROPERTY QUIETLY SITUATED IN A CUL-DE-SAC LOCATION IN THIS POPULAR VILLAGE.SUMMARY:ENTRANCE PORCH * ENTRANCE HALL * LOUNGE * KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM * FAMILY AREA * STUDY * THREE BEDROOMS * BATHROOM * GARAGE * STUDIO/WORKSHOP AND GARDENS.THE PROPERTY This property benefits oil fired central heating and double glazing.ACCOMMODATIONDouble glazed door including stained glass pane to:ENTRANCE PORCHWith inset ceiling lights, glazed panes to lounge and archway to:ENTRANCE HALLWith stairs to first floor, central heating thermostat, radiator, ceiling coving and stripped pine door to:LOUNGEWith wall mounted 'living flame' electric fire, radiator including thermostatic valve, power points, television points, two telephone points, ceiling coving, double glazed window to front aspect and stripped pine door to:KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOMWith matching range of wall and base units including laminate and solid wood worktops, tiled splashbacks and inset single drainer stainless steel sink unit, incorporating 4 ring ceramic hob unit including stainless steel splashback and extractor fan/light above, eye level double oven with storage cupboards above and below, space and plumbing for automatic washing machine, space and plumbing for dishwasher, fridge/freezer space, radiator including thermostatic valve, power points, inset ceiling lights, ceiling coving, glass block divider to study and open area to:FAMILY AREAWith radiator including thermostatic valve , power points, inset ceiling lights, vaulted ceiling, Velux rooflight to rear aspect, double glazed door to side access path including glazed pane, double glazed door to rear garden, double glazed window to rear aspect and stripped pine door to:STUDYWith power points, telephone point, wall mounted boiler, vaulted ceiling and Velux rooflight to rear aspect.LANDINGWith radiator, ceiling coving, stripped pine doors toall rooms and to airing cupboard and access to roof space.BEDROOM IWith a range of built-in wardrobes, power points, ceiling coving and double glazed window to front aspect.BEDROOM IIWith radiator, power points, ceiling coving and double glazed window to rear aspect.BEDROOM IIIWith built-in bed, radiator, power points, ceiling coving and double glazed window to front aspect.BATHROOM6' 8\" X 5' 5\"With white suite comprising panelled bath including electric shower above and fully tiled walls, low level w.c. with tiled splashback, pedestal wash hand basin with tiled splashback, radiator and obscure double glazed window to rear aspect.OUTSIDEREAR GARDENThis garden is partly paved and partly laid to lawn with a decking area situated centrally. To the rear of this garden is a rendered studio/workshop including a pitched roof providing ample storage space with light and power, double glazed window, half glazed double glazed personal door to the garden and half glazed double glazed door to the rear access leading to the garage in a nearby block. Immediately to the rear of the property is a 13' X 9' koi carp pond. Timber fencing forms the boundaries to the generous sized garden. Outside lights are attached to the rear wall of the propertyN.B. The present owners will remove this pond if required.GARAGE In nearby block with metal up & over door.FRONTThis garden is open plan and laid to lawn. Outside lights are attached to the front wall of the property.DIRECTIONSFrom our Faringdon office follow the A420 in an eastward direction. Turn right at the mini roundabout onto the A417. Take the first left turning after the Stanford in the Vale sign into Cottage Road. Turn right into Upper Crale and left at the T-junction, number 47 will be found on the left hand side with our 'For Sale' board erected in the front garden.FLOOR PLAN - Not to scale, for identification purposes only.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONWEBSITESFor a further selection of properties currently available, please visit our website at The site is regularly updated and you can download full particulars of your choice.Our properties are also listed on and These details have been prepared as a general guide and all measurements are approximate and should not be relied upon for carpets etc.THE PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTIONS ACT 1991The Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor.References to the Tenure of a property are based on information supplied by the seller. The agent has not had sight of the title documents. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor.VIEWING Strictly by prior appointment only throughChristopher Bice Estate Agents Tel: (01367) 240241
Property Features :
- Oil Fired Central Heating
- Double Glazing