Property description
Swindon Homes Direct are pleased to market this spacious end-terraced property situated in a small cul-de-sac off Queen Elizabeth Drive Taw Hill Swindon. The accommodation comprises; porch, entrance hallway, cloakroom, lounge, kitchen / diner, family bathroom plus two doubles and a large single bedroom. Further benefits include uPVC double glazed windows and doors, gas central heating, a good sized enclosed rear garden with front access plus a seperate garage and additional parking. The property is close to local shops, schools and bus woutes with easy access to the A419 and M4 if required.
Swindon Homes Direct are pleased to market this spacious end-terraced property situated in a small cul-de-sac off Queen Elizabeth Drive Taw Hill Swindon. The accommodation comprises; porch, entrance hallway, cloakroom, lounge, kitchen / diner, family bathroom plus two doubles and a large single bedroom. Further benefits include uPVC double glazed windows and doors, gas central heating, a good sized enclosed rear garden with front access plus a seperate garage and additional parking. The property is close to local shops, schools and bus routes with easy access to the A419 and M4 if required.Porch 2'5 x 5'6 (0.74m x 1.68m)Porch with pitched tiled roof, brick base andwooden supports, wall mounted gas box, uPVCentrance door.Entrance Hall 3'3 x 5'4 (0.99m x 1.63m)uPVC entrance door, wall mounted fuse box,alarm control box, door to lounge and cloak-room, laminate flooring.Cloakroom 2'6 x 4'10 (0.76m x 1.47m)A white suite consisting of low level WC andwall mounted wash basin with tiled splashbacks, radiator.Lounge 16'9 x 9'9 into 11'10(5.11m x 2.97m into 3.61m)uPVC double glazed window with fitted blindsto front aspect, two radiators, TV and BT point,stairs to first floor, under stairs cupboard,glazed wooden door to kitchen, laminate floor.Kitchen/ Diner 8'1 x 15' (2.46m x 4.57m)uPVC double glazed window to rear aspect. Amodern fitted kitchen with cottage style unitsto both eye and base level, matching rolled topwork surfaces and part tiled walls, stainlesssteel sink with mixer tap over, integrated gashob and electric oven with extractor over,wall mounted gas boiler, breakfast bar withcupboards and wine rack under, space forupright fridge / freezer, space and plumbingfor washing machine, ceiling down lights,tiled floor.Dining Area has an uPVC patio door to rearaspect, radiator, space for family size diningtable and chairs, tiled floor.Stairs to First Floor landing 9'7x 3' x 6'6over stairs(landing 2.92m x 0.91m x 1.98m over stairs)Stairs [from lounge] with balustrade to firstfloor landing, access to insulated loft space,airing cupboard housing immersion tank,doors to bathroom and three bedrooms.Family Bathroom 6'4 x 6'5 (1.93m x 1.96m)uPVC double glazed opaque window withfitted blind to front aspect. A modern whitebathroom suite comprising panelled bathwith shower over, shower screen, part tiledwall pedestal wash basin, low level WC,extractor fans, heated towel rail, laminatefloor, ceiling down lights.Bedroom One 11'11 x 8'11(3.63m x 2.72m)uPVC double glazed window with fittedblinds to rear aspect, radiator, and two fittedwardrobes, door to landing.Bedroom Two 11'4 x 8'11(3.45m x 2.72m)uPVC double glazed window with fittedblinds to front aspect, radiator, door tohallway.Bedroom Three 8'1 x 6'6(2.46m x 1.98m)uPVC double glazed window with fittedblinds to rear aspect, radiator, door tohallway.Rear Garden approx. 35'4 x 16'11 into 34'2(approx. x 10.77m x 5.16m into 10.41m)Patio to rear of property, path to side withwooden gate for front access, steppingstone path to wooden shed to rear ofgarden, lawn with shrub, stone chippingsand small tree borders, all enclosed bywooden fencing.Garage and Parking Garage 18' x 8'10into 11'04(Garage 5.49m x 2.69m into 3.45m)Leasehold garage situated adjacent to theproperty under the coach house, [995 yearson lease, no other charges] with up andover garage door and parking to front.additional parking is opposite the garage.

Image of living room
Image of kitchen
Image of kids room
Image of bathroom
Image of bedroom