Property description
FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. A parcel of land suitable for a range of uses including residential development subject to necessary planning permission. The site measures 298 sq. metres (3078 sq. feet) and is situated in a residential development conveniently located for Swansea City Centre, the SA1 development and M4 motorway. This sale will be subject to a claw back condition if planning is obtained. GUIDE PRICE £5,000 - £8,000
There will be a clawback provision in the sale for 50% of the uplift in value due to planning. This would be contingent on obtaining planning permission to develop the site and would be operable for a period of 25 years after completion.
There are no mains services connected to the plot. Prospective purchasers should make their own enquires regarding connection charges etc.
Auction Date
For Sale by Public Auction at The Liberty Stadium, Swansea on Thursday 5th March 2015 at 3pm (unless previously sold or withdrawn).
Legal & Admin ServicesCity & County of SwanseaCivic CentreOystermouth RoadSwansea SA1 3SNContact: Ms Frances Wilson
Thursday, 5th March 2015 at the Liberty Stadium, Swansea at 3pm
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Image of backyard
Property Features :
- Parcel Of Land Suitable For Residential Developmen
- Subject To Planning Permission & Clawback Conditio
- Site Measures 298 sqm (3078 sq. ft)