Shop to rent in Ladypool Road Sparkbrook Birmingham B12

Rent: £1000 pcm


-- Bed(s)
-- Bath(s)

 510 Stratford Road, , Sparkhill, , Birmingham
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Property description

This superb leasehold opportunity has an ideal and visible location on the main Ladypool Road, Balsall Heath Birmingham. The premises location also has a diverse selection of retail and commercial style businesses in the area like Pepe's , Dawat Restaurant, Lahores Restaurant. Businesses in close proximity enhances the commercial premises on offer as it attracts visitors to the area throughout the year. There are also a large amount of neighbouring residential homes which supplies an endless stream of local customers.

Ground floor premises
Ground floor retail area: 3.37m x 14.5m (approx)

The property benefits from:

- Reception area
- Gas central heating
- Suspended ceiling
- laminate flooring
- W/C
- Kichenette area

£1000.00 PCM

Existing A1 + A2 consent

The property is offered on a new flexible lease

Rent Deposit: The in-going tenant will be required to pay three months advance rent and three months deposit.

Costs: The in-going tenant will be responsible for the payment of the landlord's legal costs and building insurance

Agents Fees Apply

Rates: TBA

The premises had been open as laser business.

Viewing: For further information and viewing contact:

1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS Intending purchaser will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2. These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4. Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5. R.H. Properties have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interest to check the working condition of any appliances.
6. R.H. Properties has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.

RH Properties
510 Stratford Road
B11 4AH

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