Property to rent in Duke Street Londonderry BT47

Rent: £74310.00

Duke Street Waterside, BT47 6DQ

-- Bed(s)
-- Bath(s)
Not Available Anymore

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Street Address

Duke Street Waterside, BT47 6DQ

Property description

This prestigeous retail shop plus two large office units is located on the main thoroughfare of Duke Street, Waterside and may be let in one or more lots.

Level One: Shop Unit (Duke Street)
Net Retail Service Area 4,600 sq ftYard and Shed 2,550 sq ft

Level Two: Office Unit Number One (Lower Fountain Hill)
Disabled ToiletsMale Toilets - 1 x w.c., 2 x Urinal and 2 x wash hand basin. Female Toilets - 2 x w.c., 1 x wash hand basin.Large room - Formally kitchen and Canteen.Reception and General Office.7 Offices.

Level Three: Office Unit Number Two (Spencer Road) - Area A
2 ToiletsKitchen1 Large Room (825 sq ft)1 Large Room (1,520 sq ft)6 Offices (1,925 sq ft)

Level Three: Office Unit Number Two (Spencer Road) - Area B
1 Large Room (925 sq ft)1 Large Room (1,225 sq ft) plus staircase to upper floor and fire exit.

Total Area
Level One: 4,600 sq ft - £36,800.00 per annum.Yard & Shed: 2,500 sq ft -£6,250.00 per annum.Level Two: 4,000 sq ft - £12,000.00 per annum.Level Three: (A) 4,270 sq ft - £12,810.0 per annum.Level Three: (B) 2,150 sq ft - £6,450.00 per annum.GROSS: £74,310.00 Per Annum.

Property Features :

  • Shop and large office units.
  • Prominent location on main thoroughfare.
  • Can be let in one or more lots.
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