Full description
Building Plot, High Street (land rear of 128-132), Swanage, BH19 1HY. £160,000 Freehold.
A rare opportunity to acquire a single building plot approximately 500m from Swanage town centre. The plot enjoys northerly views to the Purbeck Hills.
Planning permission 6/2014/0265 was granted in 17 July 2014- "Erect 3-bedroom detached dwelling, rebuild collapsed stone wall create new vehicular access." The site has an area of approximately 250 sq.m. with a frontage to Locarno Road of approximately 16m (53 ft).
The house, with brick elevations with local stone relief, will provide 3 bedrooms, 2 receptions, kitchen, utility room, cloakroom, bathroom/wc & ensuite shower room, off road parking and small garden.
Access to the plot is from Kings Road and turning into Locarno Road. The plot can be found at the top of Locarno Road, a cul-de-sac, just to the west.
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