Property description
THREE BEDROOMED END TERRACED HOUSE SITUATED IN A CONVENIENT LOCATION CLOSE TO MILNROW VILLAGE CENTRE! Enjoying a pleasant location within easy reach of Milnrow Village centre, metrolink, excellent local schools and the motorway network. Providing ideal accommodation for FIRST TIME BUYERS or a young family internally comprising of a spacious lounge, dining kitchen, rear porch, first floor landing, THREE BEDROOMS and a three piece family bathroom. Small garden and parking space to the front. Gas central heating and double glazing. Viewing is highly recommended.
13'5 X 16'1Good sized main reception room with a window to the front, plumbing for gas fire, wood effect flooring, double doors leading to the kitchen diner.
Kitchen Diner
9'10 X 16'1With a good range of wall and base units, cooker point with extractor hood over Belfast style sink unit, space for fridge freezer, plumbing for washing machine and drier, splash back tiling, dining space, tiled flooring, windows to the side and rear, door leading to the conservatory.
Rear Porch
6'5 X 11'8Good sized room with a door leading to the rear.
With doors leading to the bedrooms and bathroom, window to the side, storage cupboard.
Bedroom One
10'7 X 10'1Double room with a window to the front of the property.
Bedroom Two
10'3 X 9'4Another double room with a window to the rear.
Bedroom Three
10'1 X 5'4Single room with a window to the front.
7'3 X 6'7With a modern three piece suite comprising of a wash hand basin, wc and bath with shower over and a glass shower screen, tiled flooring and surround, window to the side, chrome heated towel rail.
TO VIEW CONTACTCowell - Norford, 106 Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL16 1JY Tel: 01706 860 444
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