Property description
Front door to
PORCH: 3.00m x 1.56m (9'10" x 5'1") Double glazed front window, tiled floor, double glazed door and window to
ENTRANCE HALL: Central staircase to first floor, cloaks cupboard, cupboard, vaulted ceiling, door to garage, fitted carpet, radiator.
SHOWER/BOILER ROOM: Shower cubicle with mains shower, floor standing oil boiler supplying central heating and hot water, carpet tiles, double glazed rear window, door to rear leading to conservatory.
W.C.: Double glazed rear window, low level w.c., corner wash basin, part tiled walls, loft hatch, carpet tiles.
CONSERVATORY: 3.67m x 1.87m (12'1" x 6'2") Double glazed windows, double glazed door to side, plumbing for appliances, tiled floor.
KITCHEN: 3.58m x 2.64m (11'9" x 8'8") Fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units, under unit lighting, work surfaces, 1 1/2 bowl stainless steel sink, drainer, mixer tap, tiled splashbacks, inset Neff electric hob, matching oven under, extractor, space for fridge/freezer, space for slim-line dishwasher, double glazed rear window, archway to
DINING ROOM: 3.58m x 2.67m (11'9" x 8'9") Double gazed side window, fitted carpet, radiator, patio doors.
CONSERVATORY: 2.67m x 1.90m (8'9" x 6'3") Double glazed, door to garden, fitted carpet.
LOUNGE: 5.34m x 3.95m (17'6" x 13') Double glazed front window, double glazed bay front window, brick faced feature wall with inset wood burner, fitted carpet, 2 radiators.
Carpeted staircase to first floor LANDING: Double cupboard with hot water tank/immersion heater, radiator, fitted carpet.
BEDROOM 1: 3.95m x 3.32m (13' x 10'11") Double glazed front window, a range of built in furniture to include wardrobes and wall cupboards, fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 2: 3.56m x 2.67m (11'9" x 8'9") Double glazed rear window with views of Mutford church and fields beyond, window to side, radiator, fitted carpet.
BEDROOM 3: 2.64m x 2.52m (8'8" x 8'3") Double glazed rear window with views of Mutford Church and fields beyond, radiator, fitted carpet.
BATHROOM: Double glazed front and side windows, low level w.c., bidet, tiled bath, mixer tap with shower head, wash basin, tiled walls, fitted carpet.
OUTSIDE: Landscaped front garden, mature trees, bushes, driveway laid to shingle providing plenty of off road parking leading to
ATTACHED SINGLE GARAGE: up and over door, 2 side windows, window to rear, door to rear, power and light, eaves storage space.
Fenced rear garden, gate to front, crazy paved patio, electricity and water supplies, wood store, 500 gallon oil tank, a variety of mature trees and shrubs, pergola, 2 fish ponds, vegetable garden, 2 sheds, greenhouse, concrete hard standing, double gates proving rear vehicular access to shared private lane.
Property Info: