Property description
Front Garden : Paved
Hallway and staircase : Carpet, power points, radiator
Reception Room One : 13ft x 13ft 5 (3.96m x 4.09m) , Front aspect double glazing, radiator, power points, carpet
Reception Room Two : 11ft 6 x 11ft (3.51m x 3.35m) , Rear aspect double glazing and door leading out to garden, radiator, power points, carpet
Kitchen : 7ft 8 x 7ft 2 (2.34m x 2.18m) , Rear aspect double glazing, eye and base level kitchen units, work surface, gas point, sink, extractor hood, tiles to wall and floor, power points
Bedroom One (to wardrobes) : 10ft 9 x 8ft 9 (3.28m x 2.67m) , Front aspect double glazed windows, radiator, power points, carpet, fitted wardrobes
Bedroom Two (to fitted wardrobes) : 10ft 7 x 8ft 9 (3.23m x 2.67m) , Rear aspect double glazed window, radiator, power points, carpet, fitted wardrobes
Bedroom Three : 7ft 2 x 7ft 8 (2.18m x 2.34m) , Front aspect double glazed window, radiator, power points, carpet, fitted wardrobes
Bathroom : Rear aspect frosted double glazed, panel enclosed bath with mixer shower taps, w/c, pedestal sink, tiles to wall and floors.
Rear Garden : Hard standing and laid to lawn
In accordance with the Property Misdescriptions Act we would point out that any of the appliances, electric, plumbing or central heating mentioned have not been tested and any purchaser would have to satisfy themselves as to their working order prior to contractual commitment.
All measurements are for guidance only.
Particulars of the tenure Freehold or Leasehold and ground rent, service/maintenance charges are all
Subject to confirmation from the vendors? conveyancers.
None of the statements contained in these particulars as to this property are to be
relied on as statements or representations of fact.

Image of bathroom
Image of house front
Image of staircase
Image of bedroom
Image of bedroom
Image of kitchen
Image of wardrobe
Image of bedroom
Property Features :