Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Lowestoft Suffolk Camps Heath, NR32 3QF
Property description
Front door to
ENTRANCE HALL: Stairs to first floor, under stair storage cupboard, solid wood flooring, radiator.
DINING ROOM: 12' 1" x 9' 1" (3.69m x 2.77m) Double glazed bay front window, fitted carpet, radiator.
LOUNGE: 19' 10" x 11' 8" (6.05m x 3.57m) Double glazed patio doors to rear, fireplace, gas fire, surround, marble hearth, fitted carpet, radiator.
OFFICE: 7' 6" x 6' 9" (2.30m x 2.08m) Double glazed front window, fitted carpet, radiator.
W.C.: Double glazed side window, low level w.c., pedestal wash basin, mixer tap, tiled splash back, fitted carpet.
KITCHEN: 13' 5" x 9' 7" (4.11m x 2.93m) 2 double glazed rear windows, fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units, 1 1/2 bowl sink, drainer, mixer tap,inset 4-ring gas hob, oven under, extractor, tiled floor, radiator.
UTILITY ROOM: 9' 7" x 6' 0" (2.93m x 1.85m) Fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units, work surfaces, space and plumbing for washing machine, stainless steel sink, drainer, h&c taps, wall mounted boiler supplying central heating and hot water, tiled floor, radiator, door to rear garden.
LANDING: Double glazed front window, balustrade, airing cupboard housing hot water tank/immersion heater, loft hatch, solid wood flooring.
BEDROOM 1: 13' 2" x 11' 10" (4.02m x 3.61m) plus dressing area. Double glazed rear window, fitted carpet, radiator, dressing area with triple mirror fronted wardrobes.
ENSUITE SHOWER ROOM: Double glazed front window, bidet, w.c.., vanity wash basin, tiled splash backs, shower cubicle, radiator.
BEDROOM 2: 11' 11" x 10' 5" (3.65m x 3.20m) Double glazed rear window, triple mirror fronted wardrobes, fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 3: 10' 5" x 7' 7" (3.19m x 2.32m) Double glazed front window, fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 4: 11' 1" x 6' 11" (3.38m x 2.11m) Double glazed front window, fitted carpet, radiator.
BATHROOM: Double glazed rear window, w.c., vanity wash basin, wood panelled bath, mixer tap/shower head, part tiled walls, solid wood flooring, radiator.
OUTSIDE: Large front garden, off road parking, patio, paths.
DOUBLE GARAGE: Twin up and over doors.
Rear garden, mainly laid to lawn, summerhouse, timber shed.