*** An ideal starter home with vacant possession and no vendor chain ***Offered for sale with the benefit of no vendor chain and vacant possession is this smartly presented, 2-bedroom, mid-terraced property. Being a suitable starter home, the property has a superb Roca bathroom suite and upvc double glazing. Situated approximately 3 miles from Huddersfield town centre and being extremely well placed for accessing the M62 motorway approximately 2 miles away. The accommodation briefly comprises: Entrance hall, lounge, cellar, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom/wc, small garden to front and communal garden to rear.
*** An ideal starter home with vacant possession and no vendor chain ***
Offered for sale with the benefit of no vendor chain and vacant possession is this smartly presented, 2-bedroom, mid-terraced property. Being a suitable starter home, the property has a superb Roca bathroom suite and upvc double glazing. Situated approximately 3 miles from Huddersfield town centre and being extremely well placed for accessing the M62 motorway approximately 2 miles away. The accommodation briefly comprises: Entrance hall, lounge, cellar, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom/wc, small garden to front and communal garden to rear.
New paragraph
entrance hall
Accessed from the front entrance door and having a staircase leading to the first floor and a door leading through to the lounge.
Lounge 14'10' x 13'3'
Having a coal effect living flame gas fire to the chimney breast, a window to the front, a door leading to the cellar and a door leading through to the kitchen.
Kitchen 7'11' x 9'3'
Fitted with base and wall units and having worktop space over, with a single drainer sink unit and mixer tap. Integrated appliances include an electric hob and a built-in electric oven. There is plumbing for an automatic washing machine, a timber panelled ceiling, a window to the rear and entrance door leading to the rear communal garden.
First floor
Landing with a wall mounted gas heater, balustrade banister to staircase and doors to the following rooms.
Bedroom 1 10'7' x 8'5' max
Having a window to the front.
Bedroom 2 6'3' x 7'4'
Having a window to the front.
Bathroom/WC 3'10' x 10'5'
Fitted with a quality 'Roca' 3-piece suite in white comprising a panelled bath with electric shower over, pedestal wash hand basin and low level wc. Also having tiling to the walls, a window to the rear, an electric heated towel rail, recessed downlights to the ceiling and laminate flooring.
There is a small cottage style garden to the front stocked with a variety of plants and a communal garden to the rear.
Leave Huddersfield town centre via Leeds Road, proceeding for approximately 3 miles and just before Cooper Bridge take your last turning on the left before the petrol station. The property will be seen on the left, highlighted by our Boultons board.
Sb/jl/June 2014
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