Property description
An opportunity to acquire a plot of land extending to approximately 0.64 acre (0.26 hectare) formerly utilised as the site of a Gas Works. Well located close to Biddulph town centre and adjoining established residential and commercial development sites and offering potential for redevelopment.
The land is located in Biddulph, approximately 7 miles to the north of Stoke-on-Trent and 5 miles south of Congleton.
Situated on the northern side of Brocks Croft Gardens and to the east of Station Road the land is located in a well-established residential and commercial area and only a short distance from the town centre.
The land extends to approximately 0.64 acre (0.26 hectare) in total and comprises of the site of a former Gas Works. The land is accessed from Station Road and also has good frontage to Brocks Croft Gardens from which access may also be possible subject to obtaining local authority consent.
The land may be suitable for a number of residential and commercial uses subject to obtaining the necessary planning consent.
Prospective purchasers should contact the selling agents Biddulph Office on Tel: 01782-522117 to arrange access.
The land is sold freehold and with vacant possession on completion.
The land is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, wayleaves and easements that may exist whether they are specifically mentioned in these particulars or not.
Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries of the Local Planning Authority, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.
We are not aware whether services are connected to the site. Interested parties are advised to make their own investigations to satisfy themselves of availability.
The land is to be sold subject to a 25 year clawback clause in favour of the vendor. This will be 35% of any uplift in value resulting from the granting of any planning consent or series of consents for residential or commercial use.
Peter Kirton-Darling MRICS FAAV
Whittaker & Biggs,
34 High Street,
Tel: 01782-522117
Fax: 01782-522170
Particulars written October 2015
1. Sales Brochures & Plans - These sales brochures and any accompanying plans are produced as a general guide only as final contract plans have not yet been prepared. Consequently, areas quoted are very approximate. No person in the employment of Whittaker and Biggs has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. The photographs used on these sales particulars and in the window displays, may be taken with a non-standard lens. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars.
2. Rights, Outgoings, Easements & Wayleaves The property will be sold and conveyed subject to all rights, outgoings, easements & wayleaves( whether public or private).
3. Boundaries etc. The purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have knowledge of fences, water supplies and rights affecting the same and of the boundaries thereof.
4. Town & Country Planning The property is sold subject to any development plan, tree preservation order, S.S.S.I, or other notices, which may be or may come into force. It is also sold subject to any statutory provisions or bylaws without any obligation on the part of the vendor to specify the same.
5. The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for their purpose.
Property Features :
- 0.64 acre (0.26 hectare) site
- Potential For Redevelopment
- Formerly Utilised as the site of a Gas Works
- Close to Biddulph Town Centre