IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO COMBINE SPACE WITH LOCATION, LOOK NO FURTHER!! This superb inner terrace occupies a prominent position on Quarry Hill and is sure to appeal to families due to the wealth of space on offer. The property also off road parking and is well presented throughout. Early viewing is highly recommended.
Entrance Hallway | Comprising doors leading to ground floor accommodation, radiator, thermostat and access to stairs.
Lounge | 13'6\"' x 12'3\"' max (4.11m' x 3.73m' max). Comprising bay window to front elevation with window seat offering additional storage, ceiling coving, radiator and television point and telephone point.
Dining Room | 16'3\"' X 14'3\"' max (4.95m' X 4.34m' max). Comprising window to the rear elevation, radiator, television point, ceiling coving, ceiling rose, useful storage area/pantry and door leading to kitchen.
Kitchen | 14'11\"' x 6'7\"' (4.55m' x 2m'). Comprising a range of wall and base units with work top over, gas fired combination boiler, one and a half bowl porcelain sink with drainer and mixer tap, plumbing for washing machine and dishwasher, recessed alcove with space for a Range cooker and extractor over, radiator, partly tiled walls, window and door to side elevation and laminate flooring.
Landing | Comprising doors leading to two bedrooms and staircase leading to second floor.
Bedroom One | 14'4\"' X 14'' max (4.37m' X 4.27m' max). Comprising window to the front elevation, radiator, useful fitted wardrobes with overhead storage and ceiling coving
Bedroom Two/Study | 11'3\" X 10'9\" (3.43m X 3.28m). Comprising window to the rear elevation, door leading to sizeable wardrobe/storage area, radiator and door leading to main house bathroom.
Bathroom | 10' x 7'6\"' (3.05m x 2.29m'). Comprising four piece white suite of shower cubicle with shower, panelled bath, pedestal wash basin, low level WC, radiator, window, built-in storage and loft access.
Landing | Comprising doors leading to two additional bedrooms.
Bedroom Three | 16'2\" x 13'1\"' (4.93m x 3.99m'). Comprising window to the front elevation, laminate flooring, radiator and hatch providing additional eaves storage.
Bedroom Four | 11'4\" X 10'9\"' (3.45m X 3.28m'). Comprising two Velux style windows to front elevation, laminate flooring, feature beam with strip light, loft access and radiator.
OUTSIDE | To the front of the property, there is a gate providing access to the front door with mainly pebbled buffer garden. To the rear of the property, there is a decked courtyard with an external store and allocated off street parking.