VIEWING A MUST...Close to the town, yet with the benefit of field views this extended family home is set back from the road, has a large garden and ample parking. Gas central heating.
Porch | Steps lead to the entrance porch, sliding door tiled floor and door leads into:
Hallway | Stairs lead to first floor accommodation, cupboard under the stairs, coved and textured ceiling, radiator and French doors lead from porch.
Lounge/Dining Room | Bay window to front aspect, TV point, coved and textured ceiling, feature fireplace, wooden surround and hearth, wall lights, sliding patio door to rear aspect, radiators.
Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Window to rear aspect and side, L-shaped range of base and wall cupboards, tiled walls, radiator, display cupboards, under wall cupboard lighting and ceiling lighting, gas cooker point, pull out drawers, one and a half bowl sink with hot and cold mixer tap, tiled floor, plumbing dishwasher and water softener.
Utility Room | Window to side aspect and door, built-in broom cupboard, tiled floor, plumbing automatic washing machine, space for fridge and tumble dryer, sloping ceiling and ceiling lights, radiator and tiled floor.
Cloakroom | Window to side aspect, low level WC, radiator, vanity wash hand basin, sloping ceiling, extractor and tiled floor.
Down Stairs Bedroom Four | Previously the garage, this room has been converted into a downstairs bedroom, window to front and side aspect, TV point and radiator.
Stairs lead to: | First floor accommodation.
Landing | Window to side aspect, coved and textured ceiling built-in cupboard housing electric meters and loft access.
Bathroom | Comprising three piece suite panelled bath with shower over tiled walls, low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, heated towel rail, window to rear aspect, half panelled walls, shaver point, ceiling lighting and recess shelving.
Bedroom One | Window to front aspect , built-in double wardrobe, with over head storage cupboards, further built-in cupboard radiator and textured ceiling, TV point.
Bedroom Two | Window to rear aspect ,field views, radiator, built-in double wardrobe with over head storage, coved and textured ceiling, TV point.
Bedrooms Three | Window to front aspect, radiator, laminate flooring, coved and textured ceiling, TV point.
Outside | To the front of the property a sweeping shingled driveway with ample parking, flower beds either side, lawn, plants, bushes and side access to rear garden. The rear garden is enclosed by panel fencing, mainly laid to lawn, paved patio, field views and a variety of flowering plants tree and bushes and vegetable patch, outside taps and security lighting, timbers shed with lighting, potting shed and green house.