Property description
****NO ONWARD CHAIN****We are pleased to present this beautifully maintained mid terraced property in the popular area of Garden Village. The property briefly comprises of separate dining room, lounge, kitchen and a downstairs bathroom. Upstairs there are three bedrooms with a separate toilet and access to loft. Outside there is a detached garage with a separate rear garden. Solid fuel heating. Energy Rating=F.Viewings are highly recommended to appreciate the quality of the accommodation on offer.
****NO ONWARD CHAIN****We are pleased to present this beautifully maintained mid terraced property in the popular area of Garden Village. The property briefly comprises of separate dining room, lounge, kitchen and a downstairs bathroom. Upstairs there are three bedrooms with a separate toilet and access to loft. Outside there is a detached garage with a separate rear garden. Solid fuel heating. Energy Rating=F.Viewings are highly recommended to appreciate the quality of the accommodation on offer.Entrance Hall Ceramic tiled flooring, door to:Hall Ceramic tiled flooring, door to:Lounge 3.66m x 3.23mWindow to rear, fireplace, double door to:Dining Room 3.07m x 2.90mPVCu double glazed window to front, fireplace, wooden laminate.Kitchen 3.68m x 2.87mFitted with a matching range of base and eye level units with worktop space over base and eye level units and cupboards with underlighting, drawers, cornice trims and matching wood round edged, sink china butler style belfast sink unit with mixer tap, base cupboard under, worktop space and tiled splashbacks, plumbing for automatic washing machine and dishwasher, space for range, window to side, quarry tiled, double door to under-stairs Cupboard, door to:Other 1.52m x 0.79mCeramic tiled flooring, door to:Downstairs Bathroom Fitted with three piece suite comprising bath corner bath with electric shower, matching taps and pedestal wash hand basin with taps and tiled splashback, fully tiled, window to rear with tiled flooring.Under-stairs Cupboard Ceramic tiled, stairs.Lean to Hardwood single glazed window to rear, hardwood single glazed window to side, terracotta tiled, upvc double glazed stable door.Landing Laminate, door to:Landing Fitted carpet, stairs.Separate WC Fitted with two piece suite pedestal wash hand basin, vinyl.Master Bedroom 4.27m x 3.15mTwo windows to front, fireplace, laminate.Bedroom 2 2.87m x 2.75m maxPVCu double glazed window to rear, laminate.Bedroom 3 3.40m x 2.44mPVCu double glazed window to rear, Boiler cupboard, laminate, door to:You may download, store and use the material for your own personal use and research. You may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the material available to any party or make the same available on any website, online service or bulletin board of your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or in any other media without the website owner's express prior written consent. The website owner's copyright must remain on all reproductions of material taken from this website.