This well presented modern three storey town house is tucked away in a small cul de sac within the popular and established Stapeley development in Nantwich. The well presented accommodation comprises: entrance hall with down stairs cloaks/WC, kitchen, lounge and conservatory to the ground floor. To the first floor there are two bedrooms and a family bathroom and to the second floor is a master bedroom with en suite and further single bedroom. The property enjoys gas central heating, double glazing, allocated parking space to the front and an enclosed decked garden to the rear.
Hall | x . Front entrance door with double glazed panels, radiator, light point, stairs to the first floor, two light points, wood effect flooring, under stair storage cupboard.
WC | x . Low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, radiator, light point and extractor, wood effect flooring.
Kitchen | 6‘5" x 9‘8" (1.96m x 2.95m). Range of units at eye and base level, roll edge work surface over housing a stainless steel sink and drainer with tiled splash backs. Gas hob, electric oven and extractor hood above. Space for a washing machine and fridge freezer, double glazed window, radiator, spotlights, tiled flooring, wall mounted boiler.
Lounge | 12‘6" x 10‘8" (3.8m x 3.25m). Feature fireplace, double glazed French doors, radiator, light point.
Conservatory | 10‘2" x 9‘8" (3.1m x 2.95m). Double glazed French doors, double glazed windows, tile effect laminate flooring, wall mounted heater.
Landing | x . Double glazed window, radiator, light point.
Bedroom Two | 12‘6" x 8‘8" (3.8m x 2.64m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point.
Bedroom Three | 6‘ x 8‘1" (1.83m x 2.46m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point.
Bathroom | x . Panelled bath with shower over, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, radiator, light point, tiled splash backs.
Landing | x . Airing cupboard housing the tank, loft access, light point, doors to:
Master Bedroom | 12‘6" x 11‘5" (3.8m x 3.48m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point.
En-suite | x . Shower enclosure, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, tiled splash backs, light point, extractor, radiator.
Bedroom Four | 6‘2" x 9‘7" (1.88m x 2.92m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point, storage cupboard.
External | x . Enclosed decked garden with storage shed. There is an allocated parking space to the front.