Grade II listed three bedroom detached cottage with exposed beams and timbers, Inglenook fireplace wood burner. Standing in a village location with field views to the rear aspect and a garden of approaching an acre. The main features are; entrance porch, lounge/sitting room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility, music room, downstairs bathroom, hallway, oil fired central heating, Inglenook fireplace with wood burning stove, field views to rear aspect, garden pond, garden of approximately an acre, range of out buildings and being sold with no onward chain.
Entrance door leads to: |
PORCH | Exposed beams and timbers, window to side and door leading to:
LOUNGE/SITTING ROOM | Windows to front and side aspect, exposed beams and timbers, two wall lights, two radiators, feature Inglenook fireplace with wood burning stove and leading to:
HALLWAY | Stairs leading to first floor accommodation, recess understairs, door leading to rear garden and further doors leading to kitchen/breakfast room and downstairs bathroom.
KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM | Windows to front and rear aspect, bespoke kitchen with enamel double drainer sink with cupboard underneath, oil fired Aga with cupboard either side, exposed beams and timbers, cupboard housing oil fired central heating boiler, airing cupboard, radiator and door leading to:
MUSIC ROOM | Window to front and side aspect, exposed beams and timbers, radiator and cupboard housing electric meter.
UTILITY ROOM | Window to rear and side aspect, stable door leading to the garden, double drainer enamel sink with storage cupboard and plumbing for automatic washing machine.
Stairs leading to: |
FIRST FLOOR LANDING | Window to rear aspect, exposed beams and timbers.
BEDROOM ONE | Window to front and side aspect, exposed beams, timbers, wooden floor and radiator.
BEDROOM TWO | Window to front aspect, exposed beams, timbers, wooden floor and radiator.
BEDROOM THREE/DRESSING ROOM | Exposed beams, timbers, radiator, window to rear and loft access.
OUTSIDE | The property is accessed via a five bar gate to the front, with a sweeping driveway leading to a range of out buildings, garage, car ports, chicken sheds and storage workshops. To the front of the property is a natural, the garden is enclosed by a mix hedge rail with a variety of flowering plants, trees and bushed with a tradition cottage style garden. To the rear there is a timber shed and summer house with field views. There is a small Orchard with Apple, Plum and Pear trees. There is also a paved patio area, chicken shed and run.