A link detached 3 bedroom cottage situated away from the main road in a convenient position within easy access to the town centre.
Entrance Hall | Wooden entrance door, tiled flooring, access to roof space and access to all rooms.
Kitchen/Dining Room | 12'10\" x 7'10\" (3.91m x 2.39m). Range of wall and base units, tiled flooring, radiator, beams to ceiling, extractor fan, one and a half bowl sink, power points and ceiling light points.
Cloakroom | Vanity sink unit, low level WC, radiator, tiled flooring, part tiled walls, extractor fan and cupboard housing boiler.
Lounge | 12'10\" x 9'2\" (3.91m x 2.8m). Dual aspect, double glazed windows to front and side, feature stone fireplace with slated hearth, understairs storage cupboard, wooden flooring, power points, wall mounted cupboard housing fuse box, telephone point, radiator and two ceiling lights.
Landing | Velux window, radiator, storage cupboard, access to further loft space and doors to all rooms.
Bedroom One | 12'6\" x 8'10\" (3.8m x 2.7m). Laminate flooring, radiator, Velux roof window and ceiling light.
Bedroom Two | 9'6\" x 5'3\" (2.9m x 1.6m). Laminate flooring, radiator, Velux roof window and power points.
Bedroom Three | 8'10\" x 5'11\" (2.7m x 1.8m). Double glazed window to side, radiator, laminate flooring, range of wall units, ceiling light and power points.
Bathroom | Double glazed window to front, pedestal sink, panelled bath, low level WC, electric shower, heated towel rail and ceiling light.
OUTSIDE | To the front of the property there is a parking area.
DISCLAIMER | Please note that any services, heating system or appliances have not been tested and no warranty can be given or implied as to their working order. Advised to Cash Buyers Only