Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Beaconsfield Road Brighton, BN1 4QJ
Property description
Avard Estate Agents are pleased to offer for sale this 3 period family home situated in Brighton. The accommodation features Large through lounge and dining room three bedrooms well sized kitchen and bathroom and sunny patio and sun terrace to rear. INTERNAL VIEWING HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. MAY SUIT BUY TO LET RENTAL.
Accommodation comprises:
* Approach
Tiled pathway to front door.
* Entrance Porch
Double glazed door leading, laminate flooring, period cornicing.
* Hallway
Radiator, period mouldings.
* Living/Dining Room: 7.57m x 3.33m (24' 10\" x 10' 11\")
Double glazed bay window, 2 radiator, feature wall mouldings and archway, double glazed window.
* Kitchen: 4.17m x 2.44m (13' 8\" x 8')
Fitted range of base and wall units with work surfaces, stainless steel sink, space for upright fridge freezer, space and ponit for gas cooker, extractor fan, plumbing and space for washing machine, tiled flooring double glazed window, double glazed door to rear patio.
* Inner Hallway
Cupboard housing combination boiler , frosted window.
* Bathroom: 2.46m x 2.13m (8' 1\" x 7')
Bathroom suite comprising of panelled bath, low level W/C, wash hand basin, double glazed frosted window, part tiled walls, tiled flooring, heated towel rail.
* Landing
Loft hatch.
* Bedroom 1: 4.47m x 3.96m (14' 8\" x 13')
Double glazed bay window, radiator, range of built in wardrobes and cupboards.
* Bedroom 2: 3.35m x 2.87m (11' x 9' 5\")
Double glazed window, radiator.
* Bedroom 3: 3.12m x 1.96m (10' 3\" x 6' 5\")
Built in wardrobe with sliding doors, radiator, double glazed door to sun terrace.
* Separate W/C
Low level W/C.
* Patio Garden
Double glazed door from kitchen to patio, enclosed by brick walls
* Sun Terrace
Double glazed door from bedroom 3 leading to sun terrace.
This property is sold on a freehold basis.