Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Alwold Road Weoley Castle Birmingham, B29 5RU
Property description
THREE BEDROOMED TERRACED PROPERTY with breakfast kitchen and upstairs bathroom offering no chain, overlooking green to front. EP Rating D.
Entrance, Lounge, Breakfast Kitchen, Three Bedrooms, Bathroom, Rear Garden.
From the Agent's Offices in Northfield continue along Church Road towards the main traffic lights in Northfield centre, turn right and at the next set of traffic lights turn right onto the Bristol Road heading towards the City Centre, continue for some distance passing the Orthopedic Hospital on your right hand side turning left onto Weoley Park Road. At the mini roundabout, continue ahead onto Weoley Avenue and at the end of the road turn left onto Alwold Road. At the next roundabout continue ahead onto Alwold Road where the property is situated some distance along on the right hand side.
General Advice:Before travelling a distance to view any property, to get a feel for alocality, many think it worthwhile exploring the setting on Google Earth /Google Maps Street View.
The property is accessed via UPVC double glazed window to front with stained glass design leading to
having ceramic tiled flooring with stairs leading to first floor accommodation and further door to
LOUNGE 13'4\" ( 4.06m ) maximum into recess x 11'11\" (3.63m )
having UPVC double glazed window to front, central heating radiator, ceiling light point and feature inset fire and further door leading to
KITCHEN/DINER (REAR) 16'9\" x 8'9\" (5.11m x 2.67m )
having two UPVC double glazed windows to rear and UPVC double glazed door leading out to garden, central heating radiator and two ceiling light points, the kitchen more particularly comprises of a one and a half bowl sink unit with mixer tap over set in work surface, gas hob, integral electric oven and grill within a full height unit, with a range of wall and base units, cupboards and drawers, integrated dishwasher and space for washing machine, refrigerator and freezer, wall mounted Euro Combi Ariston central heating boiler, partly tiled walls and further door leading to understairs storage.
having access to loft space.
BEDROOM ONE (FRONT) 11'11\" (3.63m ) maximum into recess x 9'9\" (2.97m ) x 10'1\" (3.07m) maximum
having two UPVC double glazed windows to front, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, fitted wardrobe and overhead storage cupboards.
BEDROOM TWO (REAR) 10'10\" x 9'10\" ( 3.3m x 3m )
having UPVC double glazed window, central heating radiator, ceiling light point and fitted cupboard offering shelving space.
BEDROOM THREE (REAR) 8'5\" (2.57m ) maximum x 7'10\" (2.39m )
having UPVC double glazed window, central heating radiator and ceiling light point.
having UPVC double glazed window with obscured glass to front, central heating radiator and ceiling light point, the bathroom suite more particularly comprises of a corner bath, low level w.c. and pedestal wash hand basin with fully tiled walls.
The property is accessed via a walkway overlooking a green to front with a paved foregarden and a shared side access leading to the rear garden.
having slabbed patio and picket fence with gate leading to further lawned area, paved to side with one garden shed, boundaries are defined by fencing and hedgerows.
The Agent understands the property is Freehold.
All items of fixtures and fittings except those mentioned in these detailed sales particulars are excluded from the sale.
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
The Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. References to the Tenure of a Property are based on information supplied by the Seller. The Agent has not had sight of the title documents. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor. Items shown in photographs are NOT included unless specifically mentioned within the sales particulars. They may however be available by separate negotiation. Buyers must check the availability of any property and make an appointment to view before embarking on any journey to see a property.