6 bedroom Detached house to rent in Alfred Street Cardiff CF24

Rent: £1560 pcm

Alfred Street Roath Cardiff, CF24 4TY

6 Bed(s)
-- Bath(s)

 91 Wyeverne Raod, Cathays, , Cardiff
*When you call don't forget to mention Overstreet.co.uk

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Street Address

Alfred Street Roath Cardiff, CF24 4TY

Property description

A modern 6 bedroom house is currently available. Fully furnished to a hight level and recently fitted with a modern kitchen .
Ideal for students studying either in Cardiff, Uwic and Glamorgan Atrium students. All rooms are large double bed size so plenty of space for each student.


- Fully Furnished
- Modern Kitchen
- 2 Moden bathrooms
- Ideal for Cardiff, Uwic and Glamorgan students

PRICE: £1560

For more information then please get in contact with Kingstons Lettings team.

- Half Rent over July only -
(Unoccupied. Can store belongings over this period.
Individuals can stay on full rent over July, while other tenants not occupying can pay half rent.)

- Full Rent over August -

Call 02920409999 (opt 1) for more information or to book a viewing.

Ref id : 213

Any photographs and descriptions provided are for guidance only.

Property Features :

  • Modern 5 double bed size rooms
  • 2 Modern Kitchens
  • Fully furnished
  • Modern fitted kitchens
  • Ideal for Cardiff, Uwic and Glamorgan Atrium Students
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