No chain. Looking for a spacious family home, with considerable living space in a quiet cul-de sac location? Something you can put your own stamp on? Look no further! In brief the property comprises: large porch and hallway, kitchen diner, large lounge, family room, study, WC and integral double garage to the ground floor. To the first floor, five bedrooms, bathroom and en-suite.
Porch | Wooden front door. Three double aspect windows. Tiled flooring, spotlights.
Hall | Wooden front door. Double glazed uPVC window facing the side. Three radiators, carpeted flooring, original coving, spotlights.
Kitchen Diner | 22'2\" x 10'6\" (6.76m x 3.2m). Two uPVC sliding double glazed doors facing the side and rear, opening onto the patio. Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator, laminate and tiled flooring, tiled splashbacks, original coving, ceiling lights. Wall and base units, one and a half bowl sink, integrated, electric oven, electric hob, overhead extractor. Space for dining table.
Lounge | 19' x 17'11\" (5.8m x 5.46m). UPVC sliding double glazed door, opening onto the patio. Radiator and gas fire with fireplace, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
Family Room | 18'1\" x 12'6\" (5.51m x 3.8m). Three double aspect double glazed uPVC windows. Radiator and gas fire with fireplace, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling lights.
Study | 8'6\" x 8'6\" (2.6m x 2.6m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the side. Radiator, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
WC | Double glazed uPVC window with patterned glass facing the rear. Radiator, vinyl flooring, original coving, downlights. Low level WC, vanity unit with inset sink.
Double Garage | 18'1\" x 16'9\" (5.51m x 5.1m). Patterned glass facing the side. Boiler. Up and over door. Power, light, plumbing for washing machine, shelving. Access door to kitchen.
Landing | Galleried landing. Double glazed uPVC window facing the side. Radiator, carpeted flooring, airing cupboard, original coving, ceiling lights.
Master Bedroom | 21'4\" x 19'2\" (6.5m x 5.84m). Three double aspect double glazed uPVC windows facing the front and side. Radiator, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling lights.
En-suite | Double glazed uPVC window with patterned glass facing the rear. Radiator, part tiled walls, downlights. Low level WC, panelled bath, separate shower, pedestal sink, extractor fan.
Bedroom 2 | 18'6\" x 10' (5.64m x 3.05m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 3 | 12'4\" x 8'6\" (3.76m x 2.6m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 4 | 11' x 9' (3.35m x 2.74m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 5 | 9'2\" x 8'10\" (2.8m x 2.7m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bathroom | Double glazed uPVC window with patterned glass facing the side. Radiator, vinyl flooring, tiled walls, downlights. Low level WC, panelled bath, pedestal sink.
Outside | To the front, a driveway for several cars, lawn, trees, side access gate. To the rear, a private walled garden with block paved patio, lawn, shrubs and trees.