Well presented chain free home with four bedrooms and off road parking. The property is located in the popular area of Lipson and has local amenities close by. The property has a driveway to the front and to the rear is a large garden with good views complimented by the large conservatory. Accommodation on the ground floor comprises light and airy lounge, modern kitchen, utility room, family bathroom and the conservatory. To the first floor are four bedrooms with the master boasting an en suite shower room. An internal inspection is essential to appreciate this wonderful family home
Porch | Door into porch. Tiled flooring, ceiling light. Door into hall.
Hall | Carpeted flooring, ceiling light. Stairs to the first floor.
Living Room | 15' x 11'10\" (4.57m x 3.6m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Kitchen | 12'3\" x 8' (3.73m x 2.44m). UPVC back double glazed door opening into the conservatory. Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Tiled flooring, tiled splashbacks, ceiling light. Roll top work surface, fitted wall and base units, stainless steel one and a half bowl sink, space for oven, space for hob, over hob extractor.
Bathroom | Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the rear. Heated towel rail, tiled flooring, tiled walls, ceiling light. Low level WC, panelled bath with mixer tap, shower over bath, wall-mounted sink, shaving point.
Utility | Tiled flooring, ceiling light. Plumbing for washing machine. Space for tumble dryer.
Conservatory | 13'5\" x 9'9\" (4.1m x 2.97m). Back door opening onto the garden. Triple aspect double glazed uPVC windows overlooking the garden. Laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Landing | Carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Master Bedroom | 11' x 9' (3.35m x 2.74m). Double bedroom, double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
En-suite | Tiled flooring, tiled walls, spotlights. Low level WC, corner shower, wall-mounted sink.
Bedroom 2 | 10'1\" x 9'11\" (3.07m x 3.02m). Double bedroom, double glazed uPVC window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 3 | 12'5\" x 6'10\" (3.78m x 2.08m). Double bedroom, double glazed uPVC window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 4 | 11'5\" x 6'1\" (3.48m x 1.85m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, laminate flooring, built-in storage cupboard, ceiling light.