Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Great Yarmouth Great Yarmouth, NR30 3AY
Property description
Front entrance door leading to -
HALL Meter cupboard, radiator, carpeted stair case.
LOUNGE 3" x 14' 6" (0.08m x 4.42m) Tiling to floor, uPVC double glazed windows, radiator, feature gas fire, timber tiled fireplace, TV point, power points, double doors leading to -
DINING ROOM 12' 2" x 9' 6" (3.71m x 2.9m) Floor covering, uPVC double glazed windows, power points.
KITCHEN 10' x 8' 6" (3.05m x 2.59m) Base and wall units, storage cupboards, worktop surfaces, built in electric oven, 4 ring ceramic hob, plumbing for washing machine, stainless steel sink unit with single drainer, uPVC door and double glazed windows leading to enclosed courtyard, gas boiler mounted to wall, downward spotlighting from ceiling.
BEDROOM ONE 12' 3" x 12' 6" (3.73m x 3.81m) uPVC double glazed windows, carpeting, power points, TV point, radiator.
BEDROOM TWO 13' 2" x 9' 4" (4.01m x 2.84m) Fitted carpet, radiator, recess cupboards, TV point, power points, uPVC double glazed windows.
BEDROOM THREE 9' x 5' 2" (2.74m x 1.57m) uPVC double glazed windows, power points, fitted carpet.
BATHROOM 10' x 8' 6" (3.05m x 2.59m) Frosted double glazed windows, matching white suite, panelled bath with tiles surround, shower, shower rail and curtain, pedestal wash hand basin, low line WC, bidet, radiator, ceramic tiling to walls
LOFT BEDROOM 4 19' x 12' (5.79m x 3.66m) uPVC double glazed windows, power points, TV point, fitted carpet
OUTSIDE To the front - Walled forecourt
To the rear - Good sized walled courtyard