Property description
An attractive 4 bedroom late Victorian period (circa 1895) semi-detached family house on two main levels with a south-west facing garden and off street parking space. An exciting opportunity to update and improve this welcoming home to suit one's own requirements
from the pavement pass across the block paviour driveway within the front garden and find the solid wooden front door with stained glass upper pane which opens into:
ENTRANCE VESTIBULE: - 6' 1'' x 3' 5'' (1.85m x 1.04m)
ceiling cornice and centre rose, dado rail, inset floor mat, part glazed wooden door opens into:
ceiling cornice, high level cupboard housing fuse board and electricity meter, dado rail, radiator, stairs rise to the first floor half landing, and doors radiate from the hallway to the sitting room, dining room, breakfast room and useful understairs cloaks cupboard (which also houses the Vaillant gas boiler).
OPEN PLAN SITTING ROOM & DINING ROOM: - through measurement of 29ft (8.83m x 0.00m)
The 2 rooms are alternatively able to be self-contained with concertina wooden period doors which can create 2 separate rooms. The rooms have been measured and described separately as follows:
SITTING ROOM: - 15' 6'' into bay x 12' 10'' into chimney recess (4.72m x 3.91m)
ceiling cornice, picture rail, sash windows to rear elevation overlooking rear garden, tiled fireplace (currently used as an open fire), radiator, large opening through to:
DINING ROOM: - 13' 3'' x 11' 4'' to chimney recess (4.04m x 3.45m)
ceiling cornice and picture rail, 4 sash windows to front elevation set in wide bay with stained glass upper panes, radiator, (door leads back onto the hall).
BREAKFAST ROOM: - 12' 6'' x 9' 0'' max including larder and including chimney breast (3.81m x 2.74m)
sash window to side elevation, gas aga, walk in larder with kitchen unit and display shelves. Opening through to:
KITCHEN: - 7' 10'' x 5' 10'' (2.39m x 1.78m)
base and wall mounted units with roll edged work surfaces, tiled splashbacks, circular stainless steel sink with mixer tap, plumbing for washing machine, plumbing for dishwasher, space for fridge and electric hob, tiled floor, window to side elevation and part glazed wooden door leads out to the side and so to the rear garden.
ceiling cornice, stairs rise from the first floor landing up to second floor landing and also descend to lower half landing with sash window to the side elevation, radiator and electric heater, doors radiate to all rooms on this floor.
BEDROOM 1: (originally 2 bedrooms) - 17' 5'' into chimney recess x 14' 0'' max narrowing to 10'6'' min width (5.30m x 4.26m/3.20m)
ceiling cornice, pair of sash windows with stained glass windows above and further matching sash window all to front elevation, radiator.
BEDROOM 2: - 11' 8'' x 11' 3'' into chimney recess (3.55m x 3.43m)
ceiling cornice, radiator, sash window to rear elevation.
BEDROOM 3: (located on the mezzanine half landing) - 10' 0'' x 7' 4'' including airing cupboard and chimney recess (3.05m x 2.23m)
upvc double glazed window to rear elevation, built in bed arrangement and built in book case, Airing Cupboard housing hot water tank.
BATHROOM: - 6' 5'' x 5' 0'' (1.95m x 1.52m)
white suite comprising bath with Victorian style tap fittings and shower over the bath with mixer tap, wash hand basin set in vanity unit, extensive wall tiling, heated towel rail, sash window to side elevation.
wc with wooden seat and lid and sash window to side elevation.
door leads off to bedroom 4 and concertina louvre door provides access to storage area and hot water tank and high level hatch which accesses the loft space. (The loft space is almost fully boarded and has in the past been used for storage and as a hobby area).
BEDROOM 4: - 10' 0'' x 9' 7'' (3.05m x 2.92m)
upvc double glazed window to rear elevation and radiator. Built in wardrobe and book case.
space for one vehicle within the front garden.
small front garden with mature Cherry tree, bushes, shrubs and flowering plants. Double doors provide access to a very useful storage accommodation. There is a step up into this accommodation and it is 5'9''/1.75m wide and therefore it does not lend itself for car storage though it would be very suitable for storage of a motor bike and bikes and as a workshop and spare room:
Workshop/Large Side Store: - 20' 6'' x 5' 9'' (6.24m x 1.75m)
power and light, currently used as a workshop and storage area and garden store and for overflow accommodation for freezers etc.
Rear: - min 22' 0'' x 20' 0'' together with further side gardens to either side of the property (6.70m x 6.09m)
mainly laid as a paved courtyard garden with many pockets of interest and rockery with mature Willow tree and many bushes, shrubs and flowering plants, all enjoying the sunny south-west aspect, outside tap, side coal/log store and further outside wc.
available exclusively through the sole agents, Richard Harding Estate Agents, tel: 0117 946 6690
only items mentioned in these particulars are included in the sale. Any other items such as carpets etc. are not included but may be available by separate arrangement
it is understood that the property is freehold with an annual ground rent of £???. This information should be checked by your legal adviser.
1.The photographs may have been taken using a wide angle lens.2.Any services, heating systems, appliances or installations referred to in these particulars have not been tested and no warranty can be given that these are in working order. Whilst we believe these particulars to be correct we would be pleased to check any information of particular importance to you. 3.We endeavour to make our sales details accurate and reliable but they should not be relied on as statements or representations of fact and they do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. The seller does not make any representation or give any warranty in relation to the property and we have no authority to do so on behalf of the seller. 4.Please contact us before viewing the property. If there is any point of particular importance to you we will be pleased to provide additional information or to make further enquiries. We will also confirm that the property remains available. This is particularly important if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property. 5.Any floor plans provided are not drawn to scale and are produced as an indicative rough guide only to help illustrate and identify the general layout of the property.6.Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property is not a statement that any necessary planning, building regulations, listed buildings or other consents have been obtained. These matters must be verified by any intending buyer.7.Please be aware that firstly, areas of first priority (AFP) for schools do change and, secondly, just because a property is located within an AFP this does not mean schooling is guaranteed for resident children. Please make appropriate enquiries of the local authority to ensure you are fully aware of the exact position prior to exchange of contracts.
Property Features :
- Prime location - close to Cotham Gardens Park, Redland station and Colston´s Primary School t
- Also ideally positioned between the shops and amenities on the Whiteladies Road and Gloucester Road
- A wide selection of excellent independent schools are also available within easy reach
- Ground Floor: vestibule, hallway, open plan 29ft sitting room and dining room, breakfast room and k
- First Floor: landing, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and separate wc
Property Info: