Built in 2010 by Rowland Homes, this modern four bedroom detached house is being brought to the market with no chain. The property is well presented throughout and benefits from parking for two cars and a landscaped rear garden. Internally there is an en-suite to the master bedroom and two well proportioned reception rooms as well as a South facing rear garden.
Entrance Hallway | Forward facing double glazed door, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points, security alarm panel and doorway into garage.
Lounge | 13‘10" x 12‘2" (4.22m x 3.7m). Rear facing double glazed French doors to garden, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points, gas, electric points for fire, Sky, TV and telephone points.
Dining Room | 12‘10" x 8‘6" (3.91m x 2.6m). Forward facing double glazed bay window, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points, telephone point and TV point.
WC | Fitted with a two piece suite comprising low flush WC, pedestal hand wash basin, central heating radiator and side facing double glazed window.
Dining Kitchen | 14‘8" x 8‘4" (4.47m x 2.54m). Fitted with a range of wall, drawer and base units in cream gloss incorporating a four ring electric hob and built-in oven, one and a half bowl single drainer sink unit, integrated fridge freezer, washer and dishwasher, rear facing double glazed window, side facing double glazed door, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points and TV point.
Landing | Side facing double glazed window, ceiling light point, built-in airing cupboard, cupboard housing hot water cylinder and loft access point.
Master Bedroom | 12‘ x 9‘10" (3.66m x 3m). Forward facing double glazed window, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points and TV point.
En-Suite | Fitted with a three piece suite comprising shower cubicle, wall mounted hand wash basin and low flush WC, tiled elevations, ceiling spotlights, side facing double glazed window, shaver point and wall mounted mirror.
Bedroom Two | 11‘9" x 11‘1" (3.58m x 3.38m). Rear facing double glazed window, central heating radiator, ceiling light points, power points and TV point.
Bedroom Three | 9‘8" x 8‘8" (2.95m x 2.64m). Rear facing double glazed window, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points and TV point.
Bedroom Four | 8‘10" x 6‘2" (2.7m x 1.88m). Forward facing double glazed window, central heating radiator, ceiling light point, power points and TV point and telephone point.
Bathroom | Fitted with a three piece suite comprising low flush WC, pedestal wash hand basin, panel bath with shower over, wall mounted mirror, built-in shaver point, ceiling spotlights and additional lighting, ladder style central heating radiator and double glazed window.
OUTSIDE | To the front of the property is a lawn garden with a double width tarmac driveway into the garage and gated access to both sides of the property. To the rear of the property there is a garden laid to lawn with shrub borders, fully fence enclosed, small paved patio area, summer house (available by separate negotiation), water tap and electrical sockets installed for outside use.
Garage | Up and over door, wall mounted boiler, ceiling light point and power points.
Council Tax | Band D