Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Horseshoes Lane Benson Wallingford, OX10 6LX
Property description
Ready to go, this deceptively spacious family home located in a no through lane has three reception rooms, kitchen, utility, cloakroom, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, en suite shower room, parking, garage and garden. Viewing highly recommended to appreciate the accommodation.
Tiled roof porchway and UPVC panel glazed door into:
UPVC double glazed window to the side, doors to drawing room, cloakroom and breakfast room, stairs rising to the first floor, ceiling light point, power point and radiator.
Fitted with a close coupled WC and wall mounted hand wash basin, ceiling light point and radiator.
DRAWING ROOM: - 5.47m (17'11") x 4.85m (15'11")
Double aspect reception room with UPVC double glazed windows to the front and rear, brick built open fireplace with wooden mantle and stone tiled hearth, coved ceiling, wall light points, power points, television aerial point and radiators. Open archway to:
FAMILY ROOM: - 4.71m (15'5") x 3.25m (10'8")
With double glazed windows all round and double glazed double doors opening to the rear garden, painted wooden flooring, wall light points, power points and radiators.
BREAKFAST ROOM: - 5.5m (18'1") x 3.4m (11'2")
UPVC double glazed window to the front, coved ceiling, ceiling spot light nests, power points, television aerial point, radiators and open archway to:
KITCHEN: - 3.4m (11'2") x 2.76m (9'1")
UPVC double glazed windows to the front and side, UPVC half double glazed door to the rear garden, fitted with a range of matching wall and base units, roll edge work surfaces, ceramic tiled splash backs, inset stainless steel sink/drainer unit with mixer tap, inset 4 ring gas hob with extractor over, built in double oven, dishwasher, fridge, ceiling spot light nest, power points and door to:
UPVC double glazed window to the rear, washing machine, wall mounted gas central heating boiler, power points, ceiling light point and door to under stairs cupboard housing electric consumer unit.
UPVC double glazed window to the rear, doors to all four bedrooms, two bathrooms and airing cupboard with slatted shelving and hot water tank, ceiling light points and coved ceiling.
PRINCIPAL BEDROOM: - 5.77m (18'11") x 3.46m (11'4")
A spacious room with UPVC double glazed window to the front, door to large cupboard with light point, coved ceiling, ceiling light point, power points, television aerial point, telephone point, hatch to loft space and door to:
Fitted with a tiled shower cubicle, pedestal hand wash basin and close coupled WC, ceiling light point.
UPVC double glazed obscured glass window to the rear, fitted with a suite of panel sided bath with shower over and glazed side screen, pedestal hand wash basin and close coupled WC, ceiling light point, vanity wall lights, shaver point and radiator.
UPVC double glazed obscured glass window to the front, fitted with a suite of tiled surround bath, pedestal hand wash basin and close coupled WC, ceiling down lights, shaver point, radiator and tongue and groove part panelled walls.
BEDROOM FOUR: - 3.97m (13'0") x 1.98m (6'6")
Large single room with UPVC double glazed window to the front, coved ceiling, ceiling light point, power points and radiator.
BEDROOM TWO: - 4.72m (15'6") x 3.26m (10'8")
A bright, sunny double bedroom with double glazed part obscured glass window to the rear, ceiling light point, power points, television aerial point, telephone point and radiator.
BEDROOM THREE: - 4.87m (16'0") x 2.46m (8'1")
Double aspect double room with UPVC double glazed windows to the front and side, ceiling light point, power points, television aerial point and radiators.
The front of the property has a gravelled parking area, lawn, mature trees and shrubs. To the side is a wooden five bar gate with access to further parking in front of the garage. The rear garden is mainly laid to lawn with paved patio, mature shrubs, trees, flowering Cherry, garden shed and enclosed by wood panel fencing with gate for access to the driveway.
GARAGE: - 5.33m (17'6") x 3.21m (10'6")
Single garage with metal up and over door, personal door to the rear garden, boarded loft storage space, strip lights and power.
Please note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.