Early viewing recommended on this executive, 3-4 bedroom, detached property. Positioned at the end of a small, private driveway (serving just 3 properties) and conveniently located for amenities, schools, shops and Town Centre. Comprising of entrance lobby, hallway, cloaks/wc, lounge, dining room, study/bedroom 4, kitchen/breakfast room with built in appliances, utility room, three further bedrooms, en-suite shower room to master and family bathroom. There are open plan gardens to the front with off road parking and an enclosed rear garden area. Ideal family home.
Entrance lobby
Half glazed entrance door and double glazed side panels, tiled floor, coved ceiling with inset spotlights, two cloaks cupboards, glazed doubl doors lead into the hallway.
Radiator, coved ceiling, tiled floor, staircase to first floor.
WC, wash hand basin, radiator, coved ceiling, tiled floor, triple glazed window to front.
Lounge 6.03 x 4.06 (19'9' x 13'4')
Triple glazed box bay window to front, radiator, coved ceiling, feature fireplace.
Dining room 4.11 x 3.46 (13'6' x 11'4')
Triple glazed french doors leading to the rear garden, radiator, coved ceiling.
Study/Bedroom 4 3.76 x 3.46 (12'4' x 11'4')
Triple glazed window to front, radiator, coved ceiling.
Kitchen/breakfast room 5.01 x 3.80 (16'5' x 12'6')
Comprehensively fitted with a range of limed oak base and wall cupboards with tiled splash backs, 1½ bowl inset sink unit, built in gas hob and electric oven, integral fridge, freezer and dishwasher, radiator, coved ceiling with inset spotlights, tiled floor, two triple glazed windows to rear.
Utility room 2.75 x 1.92 (9'0' x 6'4')
Stainless steel sink unit, space for washing machine and tumble drier, wall mounted gas boiler, tiled floor, half glazed door and triple glazed window to rear.
First floor landing
Coved ceiling, attic access, large walk in airing cupboard.
Bedroom 1 6.03 x 3.80 (19'9' x 12'6')
Two double glazed skylights to front and one to the rear, two radiators, eaves storage.
En-suite shower room
Tiled mains shower cubicle, wc, wash hand basin and vanity unit, tiled walls, radiator, double glazed skylight to rear.
Bedroom 2 6.03 x 3.46 (19'9' x 11'4')
Double glazed skylight to front and rear, two radiators, eaves storage.
Bedroom 3 4.77 x 4.1 max 1.96 min (15'8' x 13'5' max 6'5' mi
Triple glazed window to front, radiator, storage cupboard.
Modern refitted suite comprising of double ended panelled bath with shower mixer tap and mains overhead shower, wc, wash hand basin, tiled walls and floor, chrome heated towel rail, ceiling spotlights, double glazed skylight to rear.
Accessed via a private driveway which serves the 3 properties.
Open plan lawns with driveway to the side.
Side pedestrian access leading to an enclosed paved and gravelled rear garden.
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