Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
38-40 Stockwell Street Leek, ST13 6DS
Property description
A one bedroom first floor apartment located within a prime location being within walking distance of Leek town centre and all local amenities, accessed via shared access from Stockwell Street.
The property is to be let on a six month Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement at a rental of £275 per calendar month with a £275 deposit payable at the commencement of the Tenancy.
Having centre light point, meters, stairs leading to first floor apartment.
Hardwood single glazed window to front aspect, centre light point, fuse box.
* LIVING ROOM: 3.08m x 3.52m (10' 1" x 11' 7")
(maximum measurement) Hardwood single glazed window to side aspect, double radiator, power points, television aerial point, centre light point, built in cupboards to alcove for storage.
* BEDROOM: 2.71m x 3.59m (8' 11" x 11' 9")
(L-shaped, maximum measurement) Hardwood single glazed window to front aspect, double radiator, power point, centre light point.
* KITCHEN: 3.17m x 2.79m (10' 5" x 9' 2")
Range of modern white units comprising cupboards, roll top work surfaces over incorporating stainless steel sink unit, tiled splashbacks, Alpha combi gas fired central heating boiler, extractor fan, double radiator, centre light point. Space for gas cooker, space for under the counter fridge and freezer plumbing for washing amchine.
Pedestal wash hand basin, low level W.C., tiled splashbacks, wall extractor fan, single radiator, wall mounted cabinet, centre light point, shower cubicle having chrome shower attachment and sliding doors.
All mains services are connected
Strictly by appointment with Whittaker & Biggs
Should you wish to make an application to take this property, please call into our Leek Branch where you will be given an application form to complete. Upon completing the form, an administration fee of £70.00 will be required in order for your application to be processed. You are also required to provide a current employers reference.
International Credit Checks are also now available for non UK resident tenants at a cost of £80.00.
Tenants will be charged for a renewal fee each time new contracts are drawn up. Fee being £30 + VAT
Tenants will also be charged for a checkout report, this fee will vary depending on the size of the property vacating.