3 bedroom Terraced house for sale in Norfolk Way Bishop's Stortford CM23

Sale Price: £250,000

Bishop's Stortford

3 Bed(s)
-- Bath(s)

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Bishop's Stortford

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A well maintained three bedroom mid terraced house which has gas central heating and double glazing.

The spacious accommodation would benefit from some updating which has been reflected in the asking price. It comprises: Entrance hall, lounge/dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, three bedrooms, a bathroom and an adjacent cloakroom where the wall could be removed to make a more spacious bathroom.

The well tended rear garden is over 45' in length and has a large wooden garden shed. There is a small enclosed front garden.

Although there is no off-road parking with this property, there is parking on the road and in parking bays opposite the house. These are on a first come, first served basis. We have recently sold an identical property in Piggotts Way where the front garden has been converted into off-road parking. We believe that subject to the required permission, that this would be possible here.

The property is located a short walk from some excellent local shops and is also within walking distance of the town centre and the mainline railway station. EPC Pending.

Double Glazed Door To -

Entrance Hall - Stairs to the first floor. Radiator. Door to

Lounge/Dining Room - 6.05m x 3.00m (19'10" x 9'10") - Two radiators. TV and telephone points. Fireplace with fitted gas fire. Double glazed windows to the front and rear aspects. Door to

Kitchen/Breakfast Room - 3.38m x 3.00m (11'1" x 9'10") - Stainless steel single drainer sink unit with cupboards and drawers below. Adjacent work surfaces with cupboards and drawers below. One double and one single eye level wall cupboard. Ceramic tiled splashbacks to work surfaces. Space for cooker. Space and plumbing for washing machine. Built-in larder cupboard. Radiator. Space for table. Double glazed window and door to the rear garden. Door to

Utility Room - 2.03m x 1.96m (6'8" x 6'5") - Fitted cupboards and work surface. Space for upright fridge/freezer. Understairs storage cupboard. Double glazed window and door to the front.

First Floor Landing - Hatch to loft space. Built-in airing cupboard housing Ideal wall mounted gas fired central heating boiler.

Bedroom One - 3.53m x 3.18m (11'7" x 10'5") - Radiator. Double glazed window. Built-in wardrobe cupboard.

Bedroom Two - 4.14m x 2.77m (13'7" x 9'1") - Radiator. Double glazed window.

Bedroom Three - 3.30m x 1.96m (10'10" x 6'5") - Radiator. Double glazed window.

Bathroom - 1.75m x 1.47m (5'9" x 4'10") - Wash basin. Panel bath with tiled splash surround. Radiator. Double glazed window.

Cloakroom - 1.75m x 0.76m (5'9" x 2'6") - Low level WC. Double glazed window.

Rear Garden - A good sized and well maintained rear garden which is just over 45' in length.
Paved pathways. Two lawn areas. Well stocked flower and shrub borders. Wooden garden shed.

Front Garden - Enclosed by fencing and hedge. Lawn area. Flower borders.

Parking Arrangements - Although there is no off-road parking with this property, there is parking on the road and in parking bays opposite the house. These are on a first come, first served basis. We have recently sold an identical property in Piggotts Way where the front garden has been converted into off-road parking. We believe that subject to the required permission, that this would be possible here.

Financial Services - Through our mortgage broker Mark Jackson of M.D.Jackson Financial Services, we are able to offer independent mortgage advice with no obligation. Mark is also independent for all protection needs allowing him to review your life assurance and critical illness policies so that he can ensure that you have the most suitable cover. He can be contacted on 01799 542699. Please feel free to call him for any advice or quotations required. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up payments on a mortgage or loan secured against it. M.D.Jackson Financial Services are directly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 300773

Relocation Agent Network - WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE A RELOCATION AGENT NETWORK MEMBER * Independently selected as the best local agents. * Now affiliated to over 600 offices across the UK. * Local reputation, experience and commitment. * Independent owner managed business. * More out of town buyers through links with Cartus who are the premier provider of global relocation services. * Access to the largest property website of its kind in the UK - www.relocation-agent-network.co.uk. * Not owned by a financial institution. * Regularly 'mystery shopped' to ensure high standards. * Committed to meeting your needs this year, next year and for many more to come.

Disclaimer - For clarification, we wish to inform prospective purchasers that we have prepared these sales particulars as a general guide. We have not carried out survey, not tested the services, appliances or specific fittings and any mention of such items does not imply that they are in working order. Room sizes are approximate and should not be relied upon for carpets and furnishings. Photographs are for illustration only and may depict items which are not for sale or included in the sale of the property. Any stated plot size is intended merely as a guide and has not been officially measured or verified. We have not checked the legal documents to verify the freehold/leasehold status of the property and purchaser is advised to obtain clarification from their solicitor or surveyor. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS 2003. Intending purchaser will be asked to produce identification documents and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there be no delay in agreeing the sale.

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