A three bedroom terraced house featuring a dual aspect lounge with patio doors leading to a conservatory and 40ft south facing rear garden. This property also comes with a well proportioned kitchen, ground floor cloakroom off street parking and is being offered for sale with no onward chain.
Entrance Hall | x . Front door opening onto the driveway, double glazed window facing the front, stairs leading to the first floor, radiator.
Ground Floor Cloakroom | x . Low level WC, wash hand basin, tiled walls, tiled flooring, obscure double glazed window facing the side, radiator.
Lounge | 11' x 16'2\" (3.35m x 4.93m). Raised double glazed bay window facing the front, double glazed patio doors to the rear leading to the conservatory, coved ceiling, ceiling rose, dado rail, engineered wood flooring, gas fire with back boiler, radiator.
Conservatory | 8'2\" x 12'5\" (2.5m x 3.78m). Double glazed windows facing the rear and both sides, double glazed patio doors opening onto the garden, electric heater.
Kitchen | 11'3\" x 10' (3.43m x 3.05m). Fitted wall and base units, roll edge work surfaces, single sink and drainer with mixer tap, tiled splashbacks, space for oven, spaces for fridge, freezer and washing machine, double glazed window facing the rear, double glazed back door opening onto the garden, built-in cupboard, radiator.
Landing | x . Loft hatch, access to first floor accommodation.
Bedroom One | 11'2\" x 12'1\" (3.4m x 3.68m). Double glazed window facing the front, fitted wardrobes, built-in storage cupboard, radiator.
Bedroom Two | 10'7\" x 8' (3.23m x 2.44m). Double glazed window facing the rear and overlooking the garden, fitted wardrobes, engineered wood flooring, radiator.
Bedroom Three | 8'3\" x 8' (2.51m x 2.44m). Double glazed window facing the front, built-in storage cupboard, engineered wood flooring, radiator.
Bathroom | x . Low level WC, panelled bath, single enclosure shower, pedestal sink, heated towel rail, tiled walls, two double glazed windows facing the rear.
Garden | x . Measuring 40ft approximate. South facing with a patio area opening onto a lawn with occasional trees, shared alleyway provides gated side access.
Frontage | x . Hard standing providing off street parking.