Property description
** DON‘T MISS OUT ** Partridge Homes are pleased to offer for sale this three bedroom mid terrace family home with no upward chain located in a popular location close to transport links and local shops. The property comprises of three good size bedrooms, two reception rooms, kitchen, upstairs bathroom, and rear garden. Early viewing is essential to avoid disappointment.
Approach Set back from the road with low wall border to the front with a shared access gate leading to a block paved front garden with a flower bed to one side. Canopied entrance over a door into:-
Entrance Porch Enclosed porch area with a decorative stained glass effect leaded window to the front over the front door, decorative mosaic effect tiling to the floor area. Door to:-
Entrance Hallway Stairs rising to the first floor landing, radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off) and a decorative arch with decorative finales leading to the stair case. Doors to:-
Reception Room One 4.37m (14‘4‘) x 3.05m (10‘0‘)
Double glazed bay window to the front, radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off), storage cupboard housing meters, and an original style tiled fireplace.
Reception Room Two 3.73m (12‘3‘) x 3.20m (10‘6‘)
Sash window to the rear, radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off), decorative coving finish to the ceiling area, under stairs storage cupboard, and a door into:-
Kitchen 3.30m (10‘10‘) x 2.92m (9‘7‘)
Range of wall mounted and floor standing base units with a roll edge work surface over incorporating a stainless steel effect sink and drainer unit with a mixer tap over. Partly tiled walls, quarry style tiling to the floor area, pantry cupboard with shelving and a cold shelf incorporated plus a single glazed window to the side. Double glazed window to the side and a door also to the side allowing access to the rear garden.
First Floor Accommodation Landing Split level landing, loft access via the hatch area, and a radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off) Doors to:-
Bedroom One 4.11m (13‘6‘) x 3.43m (11‘3‘)
Two windows to the front, radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off)
Bedroom Two 3.73m (12‘3‘) x 2.62m (8‘7‘)
Window to the rear, radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off) fitted wardrobes to one wall with two sliding access doors.
Bedroom Three 2.44m (8‘0‘) x 1.88m (6‘2‘)
Double glazed window to the rear, wall mounted boiler (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off)
Bathroom 2.01m (6‘7‘) x 1.55m (5‘1‘)
Suite comprising of a cast panelled bath, low flush w.c, and a pedestal wash hand basin. Radiator (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off) wall mounted electric heater (cannot confirm the working order of this item due to the utilities currently being switched off) partly tiled walls, mirror to one wall and a window to the side.
Outside Rear Garden There are three out buildings (the roof requires attention) consisting of two storage cupboards and one outside toiler. The garden itself consists of a paved patio area with steps and decorative slate covered flower bed area leading to a lower level garden laid mainly to lawn with a paved pathway. Fence perimeters.
Property Features :