Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Brandwood Park Road Kings Heath Birmingham, B14 6QF
Property description
LOVELY THREE BEDROOM TERRACED PROPERTY Offering good size accommodation with attractive rear garden overlooking the Stratford upon Avon canal. EP Rating TBA
Reception Hallway, Living Room, Dining Room, Breakfast Kitchen, Conservatory, Three Bedrooms, Bathroom, Central Heating, Majority Double Glazing, Front and Rear Gardens, Parking to Front.
The property is set behind laurel hedging with wrought iron gates opening onto paved area for parking and further pathway leading to Front Door.
Multi Pained Front Door opening into Hallway, stairs to the first floor, central heating radiator.
SITTING ROOM 14' x 11'8" (4.27mx 3.56m)
With double glazed window to the front aspect, central heating radiator, cast iron fire surround, stripped wooden floor.
DINING ROOM 9'6" x 7'5" (2.9mx 2.26m)
With double glazed window to the rear aspect, parquet flooring and central heating radiator.
KITCHEN 12'8" max 9'4" min x 13'5" max (3.86mmax 2.84m min x 4.09m max)
With double glazed window to rear, wooden cupboard and drawer units with work surface over, inset stainless steel sink and drainer unit with mixer tap, pantry, washing machine, space for cooker, space for fridge freezer, tiled floor, cast iron open fire and stable door to the Conservatory.
CONSERVATORY 13'9" max x 13'8" (4.19mmax x 4.17m)
With double glazed and single glazed windows to side, further double glazed doors opening onto the rear garden and stripped wooden floor.
FIRST FLOOR LANDING Having access to the loft space housing central heating boiler, doors to accommodation.
BEDROOM ONE 12'7" x 11'6" (3.84mx 3.51m)
With double glazed windows to the front aspect and central heating radiator.
BEDROOM TWO 12'5" x 8' (3.78mx 2.44m)
With double glazed window overlooking the rear garden, central heating radiator, built in wardrobe.
BEDROOM THREE 8'3" max x 8' (2.51mmax x 2.44m)
With double glazed window to the front aspect and central heating radiator.
BATHROOM 7'2" x 4'8 (2.18mx 1.42m)"
With double glazed window to the rear aspect, panelled bath with shower over, wash hand basin, low flush wc, central heating radiator, tiling to walls.
The garden is accessed via the conservatory onto large decked patio, two timber sheds, greenhouse, timber gate giving access to shared side entry, raised pond with a wealth of mature shrubs and bushes. A pathway leads to the rear with gated access leading to the Towpath.
We are advised by the Vendor that the property is Freehold (Subject to Verification)
All items of fixtures and fittings except those specifically mentioned in these sales particulars are excluded from the sale.
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
The Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. References to the Tenure of a Property are based on information supplied by the Seller. The Agent has not had sight of the title documents. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor. Items shown in photographs are NOT included unless specifically mentioned within the sales particulars. They may however be available by separate negotiation. Buyers must check the availability of any property and make an appointment to view before embarking on any journey to see a property.