Finished to a superb standard throughout this fantastic family home is definitely not one to be missed. Offering fantastic living space over two floors this property boasts a porch, entrance hallway with stairs off, spacious lounge with access to the conservatory to the rear elevation and a large modern fully fitted kitchen diner. To the first floor are three well proportioned bedrooms all served by a modern white suite family bathroom with separate WC. Externally to the front the property provides ample off road parking and to the rear an enclosed garden mostly laid to lawn and not over looked.
Porch | 3\‘10\" x 2\‘3\" (1.17m x 0.69m). Wooden front single glazed door, opening onto the driveway. Laminate flooring, built-in storage cupboard, ceiling light.
Hall | 5\‘11\" x 10\‘10\" (1.8m x 3.3m). Wooden front double glazed door. Radiator, carpeted flooring, built-in storage cupboard, ceiling light.
Lounge | 14\‘6\" x 11\‘5\" (4.42m x 3.48m). UPVC sliding double glazed door. Radiator and electric fire, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Conservatory | 9\‘10\" x 7\‘5\" (3m x 2.26m). UPVC French double glazed door, opening onto the patio. Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Kitchen Diner | 11\‘7\" x 12\‘10\" (3.53m x 3.91m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front overlooking the garden. Radiator, tiled flooring, tiled splashbacks, ceiling light. Roll top work surface, wall and base and drawer units, one and a half bowl sink, integrated oven, integrated hob, over hob extractor, space for dishwasher, space for washing machine, fridge/freezer.
Landing | 8\‘9\" x 10\‘7\" (2.67m x 3.23m). Carpeted flooring, built-in storage cupboard, ceiling light.
Master Bedroom | 9\‘ x 13\‘ (2.74m x 3.96m). Double bedroom; double glazed uPVC window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom | 8\‘11\" x 11\‘3\" (2.72m x 3.43m). Double bedroom; double glazed uPVC window facing the front overlooking the garden. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom | 8\‘8\" x 7\‘11\" (2.64m x 2.41m). Single bedroom; double glazed uPVC window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Bathroom | 5\‘10\" x 5\‘5\" (1.78m x 1.65m). Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the front overlooking the garden. Radiator, tiled flooring, part tiled walls, ceiling light. Panelled bath with mixer tap, shower over bath, top-mounted sink with mixer tap.
WC | 2\‘7\" x 5\‘5\" (0.79m x 1.65m). Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the front overlooking the garden. Tiled flooring, part tiled walls, ceiling light. Low level WC.