Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Cantley Doncaster Bessacarr, DN4 6PE
Property description
ENTRANCE HALL Window to the side elevation, understairs storage cupboard.
LOUNGE Bow window to the front elevation, television aerial point, coving to the ceiling, dado rail, feature fire surround with gas fire.
DINING ROOM Patio doors to the rear garden and patio area, coving to the ceiling.
KITCHEN Fitted with a range of matching base and wall units with feature end panels,contrasting work surfaces, space for cooker, overhead extractor, inset ceramic sink and drainer unit, tiling to splashback level, space and plumbing for washing machine and double glazed window to the rear elevation, door to the inner hallway.
INNER HALLWAY Inner hallway accessed from the kitchen and providing entry to the rear garden, front entrance, and utility room which has space for white goods and shelves for storage. An obscured window to the front of the home.
MASTER BEDROOM Window to the front elevation, fitted wardrobes, and coving to the ceiling.
BEDROOM TWO Window to the rear elevation, storage cupboard with hanging rail.
BEDROOM THREE Window to the front elevation, storage cupboard, coving to the ceiling.
WC Obscure window to the side elevation, low level WC
BATHROOM Window to the rear elevation, pedestal wash hand basin, panelled bath with shower over and shower screen, extractor fan.
LANDING Double glazed obscure window to the side elevation, airing cupboard and loft access hatch.
OUTSIDE To the front of the property is a mainly laid to lawn garden with driveway providing off road parking for several vehicles thereafter leading to a garage. The rear garden has a large patio area ideal for garden furniture, laid to lawn area, flower beds stocked with mature plants and shrubs, all enclosed within fenced boundaries.