Property description
Located in one of Benson`s most popular residential areas, this semi detached house has accommodation comprising lounge, kitchen/dining room, utility, three bedrooms and bathroom. Plenty of off-street parking, garage and garden.
ACCOMMODATION - GROUND FLOOR:Double glazed obscured glass door with side panel into:
HALLWAY:Doors to the lounge, dining area and bathroom. Stairs rising to the first floor, ceiling light point, power point and radiator.
LOUNGE: - 4.9m (16'1") x 4.2m (13'9")A good size reception room with large UPVC double glazed window to the front, coal effect gas fire with back boiler in a marble and wooden surround, ceiling light point, coved ceiling, television aerial point, power points and radiator.
KITCHEN/DINER: - 6.9m (22'8") x 2.8m (9'2")Door to large under stairs cupboard, ceiling light point, coved ceiling, power points, radiator and open to the kitchen, fitted with a range of cream fronted base and wall units housing cupboards and drawers, roll edge work surfaces, inset white ceramic sink/drainer unit with mixer tap, inset four ring electric hob with extractor over, built in double oven, space and plumbing for washing machine or dishwasher, space for under unit fridge, ceramic tiled splash backs, stone-effect tiled floor, ceiling spot light nest, power points, radiator, UPVC double glazed door and windows to the rear garden, panel glazed door and window into:
UTILITY: - 2.4m (7'10") x 1.3m (4'3")UPVC double glazed obscured glass door to the side, UPVC double glazed window to the side and rear, space for freezer and tumble dryer, stone-effect tiled floor and ceiling light point.
BATHROOM: - 2.4m (7'10") x 1.3m (4'3")Fitted with a white suite comprising panel sided bath with electric shower and rail over, pedestal hand wash basin and close coupled WC, part tiled walls, chrome heated towel radiator, ceiling light point and UPVC double glazed obscured glass window to the side.
FIRST FLOOR - LANDING:Doors to bedrooms one, two and three, hatch with ladder to part-boarded loft space, ceiling light point.
BEDROOM ONE: - 4.2m (13'9") x 3m (9'10")A large double room with UPVC double glazed window to the front, ceiling light point, coved ceiling, power points and radiator.
BEDROOM TWO: - 3.5m (11'6") x 2.2m (7'3")Double room with UPVC double glazed window to the rear, door to airing cupboard with hot water tank and slatted shelving, ceiling light point, coved ceiling, power points and radiator.
BEDROOM THREE: - 2.5m (8'2") x 2m (6'7")Single room with UPVC double glazed window to the rear, fitted wardrobes and cupboards, ceiling light point, coved ceiling, power point and radiator.
OUTSIDE:The front of the property is mainly to block paving providing plenty of off street parking with flower borders. The driveway continues along the side of the property with gates through to the garage. The rear garden has a paved terrace with steps up to the lawn. Flower boarders enclosed by wood panel fencing and a gate leading to a rear pathway.
GARAGE: - 5.8m (19'0") x 3m (9'10")Single garage with replacement up and over door, power, light and personal door to the side.
SERVICES AND OUTGOINGS:Mains water, drainage, electricity and gas. Gas central heating. Telecom subject to regulations. South Oxfordshire District Council, Tax Band C.
NoticePlease note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.
Property Info: