Looking for an immaculate and well presented home, something you can literally move into and be happy, with plenty of downstairs space, lovely gardens, garage and well located within walking distance to all amenities? This is it! Comprising of porch, WC, lounge, kitchen, dining room, conservatory and garage to the first floor. On the first floor, three bedrooms, bathroom and en-suite.
Porch | x . Composite front double glazed door. Radiator, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
Lounge | 18'1\" x 14'5\" (5.51m x 4.4m). French door to dining room. Double glazed uPVC bay window facing the front. Radiator and gas fire with feature fireplace, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
Kitchen | 9'2\" x 8'6\" (2.8m x 2.6m). UPVC back double glazed door, opening onto the patio. Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Plinth heater, tiled flooring, boiler, tiled splashbacks, understairs pantry, ceiling light. Roll top work surface, fitted wall and base units, stainless steel sink, integrated electric oven, gas hob, stainless steel extractor, space for dishwasher, space for washing machine, fridge, freezer.
Dining Room | 9'2\" x 8'2\" (2.8m x 2.5m). UPVC sliding door to conservatory and French door to lounge. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Conservatory | 10'6\" x 10'6\" (3.2m x 3.2m). UPVC patio double glazed door, opening onto the patio. Triple aspect double glazed uPVC windows. Carpeted flooring.
WC | x . Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the front. Radiator, tiled flooring, part tiled walls, ceiling light. Low level WC, wash hand basin.
Garage | x . Single integral garage, up and over door, power, light, water tap, shelving.
Landing | x . Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the side. Carpeted flooring, airing cupboard ceiling light, loft access.
Master Bedroom | 12' x 10'6\" (3.66m x 3.2m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator, carpeted flooring, original coving, ceiling light.
En-suite | x . Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the side. Heated towel rail, tiled flooring, tiled walls, ceiling light. Low level WC, single enclosure shower, pedestal sink, extractor fan and shaving point.
Bedroom 2 | 10'6\" x 9'10\" (3.2m x 3m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 3 | 8'6\" x 6'7\" (2.6m x 2m). Double glazed uPVC window facing the rear. Radiator, carpeted flooring, a built-in wardrobe, original coving, ceiling light.
Bathroom | x . Double glazed uPVC window with obscure glass facing the front. Radiator, laminate flooring, part tiled walls, downlights. Low level WC, panelled bath, vanity unit with inset sink, extractor fan.
Outside | x . To the front, driveway for two cars, lawn, shrubs, storm porch. Side access gate. To the rear, a well kept private garden with lawn, patio and shrubs.