Full description
Wooden part glazed front door leading to -
Hall - There are doors to lounge, kitchen/diner, bedroom one, bedroom two, bedroom three, bathroom, separate WC and airing cupboard.There is a loft access hatch, wall mounted thermostatic control panel and a radiator. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and there is carpet to floor.
Lounge - 15'11 x 11'10 (4.86m x 3.60m) There is a wooden Georgian style window to side and a double glazed patio door to rear. There is a brick fire surround with tiled hearth and wooden mantel over. There is two radiators to this room. There are Satellite, TV and Telephone points within this room. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and the flooring is carpet.
Kitchen/Diner - 15'11 x 10'11 (4.86m x 3.32m) There is a large Wooden Georgian style window to the rear and a wooden part glazed door leading to the rear garden. The kitchen offers a range of wall and base units in a cream 'Shaker' style with wood effect rolled worktops over. There is complimentary splashbacks where required. There is a stainless sink single sink and drainer with a mixer tap over.There is space and plumbing for a washing machine, a space for a freestanding gas cooker as well as a free standing tall fridge freezer. There is a wall mounted 'Potterton Netaheat 16-22' gas boiler situated in its own cupboard. There is a radiator to the wall. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and the flooring is linoleum.
Airing Cupboard - This houses the hot water cylinder and pump plus shelving for storage.
Bedroom One - 13'3 max x 10'11 (4.03m x 3.32m) There is a Upvc double glazed window to front plus a radiator. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and there is carpet to floor.
Bedroom Two - 11'10 x 9'11 (3.63m x 3.02m) There is a Upvc double glazed window to front plus a radiator. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and there is carpet to floor.
Bedroom Three - 11'10 max x 8'10 (3.62m x 2.70m) There is a wooden Georgian style window to side plus a radiator. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and there is carpet to floor.
Bathroom - There is an obscure wooden Georgian window to side. There is a two piece suite in white comprising a panelled bath with stainless steel mixer tap and shower attachment plus a pedestal wash hand basin with stainless steel hot and cold taps. There is a wall mounted radiator. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are half tiled and half painted and there is linoleum to the floor.
Separate WC - There is an obscure wooden Georgian style window plus a wall mounted radiator. There is a white low level WC. The ceiling is textured and coved, the walls are painted and there is linoleum to floor.
Front Garden - The front is predominantly laid to shingle with planted border and a low level shrub hedging to front. There is a large concrete drive for parking which leads to the garage and a concrete path allowing access to the side of the house via a wrought iron gate.
Rear Garden - This predominantly laid to lawn with two timber sheds in situ. There is a party door leading into the garage. There is a patio area by the patio doors. The garden is enclosed on both sides by a timber shiplap fence, the rear is enclosed by hedging.
Parking - There is a single attached garage with metal up and over doors as well as power and light. There is a concrete drive with capacity for a minimum of three cars.