Approximately 1,108 square foot. A generously proportioned detached bungalow offering three double bedrooms, a dual aspect lounge/diner and kitchen/breakfast room. The property enjoys a well presented south-east facing rear garden, entry porch, double glazing, garage and driveway.
Porch | Double glazed front door and double glazed window facing the side.
Hall | Obscure window and door facing the side leading to the porch, airing cupboard, meter cupboard, loft access, radiator.
Lounge/Diner | 11'11\" x 20'1\" (3.63m x 6.12m). Dual aspect with double glazed window facing the front and double glazed window and door facing the rear looking out to and providing access to the garden, coved ceiling, tiled fireplace with electric fire, radiator.
Kitchen/Breakfast Room | 13'8\" x 9'11\" (4.17m x 3.02m). Fitted, wall and base units and drawers, roll edge work surfaces, single sink and drainer with mixer tap, tiled splashbacks, electric oven, gas hob, extractor, space for fridge/freezer and washing machine, space for breakfast table, double glazed side door leading to the garden, double glazed window facing the rear overlooking the garden, Radiator, laminate wood effect flooring, boiler.
Bedroom One | 9'11\" x 13'11\" (3.02m x 4.24m). Double glazed window facing the front, radiator.
Bedroom Two | 9'11\" x 9'10\" (3.02m x 3m). Double glazed window facing the side, radiator.
Bedroom Three | 8'7\" x 12'1\" (2.62m x 3.68m). Double glazed window facing the front, radiator.
Bathroom | Panelled bath with shower over and glass screen, pedestal sink., tiled splashbacks, obscure double glazed window facing the side, radiator.
WC | Low level WC, tiled splashbacks, obscure double glazed window facing the side.
Garden | Small paved area to immediate rear, the rest is laid to lawn with trees and shrubs to borders, brick built coal stores, gated side access, door to garage.
Garage | 8'8\" x 17'8\" (2.64m x 5.38m). Accessed by driveway providing off street parking, up and over door, double glazed window and door facing the rear leading to the garden.