Entrance hall: - Side aspect, stairs to first floor, wall mounted heater, under stairs cupboard with electric meter.
Living room: - (11’8 x 10’10) Front aspect, double glazed bay windows, electric fireplace, wall mounted heater, TV point.
Dining room: - (12’ x 9’) Rear aspect, double glazed window, wall mounted heater.
Kitchen: - (8’ x 8’) Rear aspect, double glazed windows, a range of eye and base level units, double oven, single sink with drainer, space and plumbing for dishwasher, space and plumbing for washing machine, space for tumble dryer, large larder cupboard.
Landing: - Side aspect, airing cupboard housing lagged copper cylinder, access to large loft space via ladder.
Bedroom 1 (12’ x 10’2): - Rear aspect, double glazed window, built in wardrobes.
Bedroom 2 (10’11 x 10’2): - Front aspect, double glazed window.
Bedroom 3 (7’11 x 6’6): - Front aspect, double glazed windows, built in storage cupboards.
Shower room: - Rear aspect, frosted double glazed windows, shower cubicle with power shower, wash hand basin.
Separate W.C.: - Rear aspect, frosted double glazed window, low level W.C.
Outside: - To the front the garden is mainly lawn with driveway for vehicles leading to a garage door which opens to a large carport, leading to a single garage which has light and power. To the rear the garden is enclosed and mainly laid to lawn, with various mature shrubs plants and a selection of sheds. Outside tap.