Property description
This TWO BEDROOM TRUE SEMI DETACHED BUNGALOW is conveniently situated within a short distance of Pudsey railway station and the Owlcotes shopping centre. The property has GAS CENTRAL HEATING and DOUBLE GLAZED WINDOWS, and will suit a couple or a single person wanting ground floor living, comprising; front porch, SPACIOUS OPEN LOUNGE with DINING AREA, kitchen, TWO BEDROOMS, combined bathroom/ WC. Outside is a manageable sized FRONT AND REAR GARDEN including a concrete driveway with a DETACHED GARAGE.
ENTRANCE PORCHPVC double glazed entrance door. PVC double glazed window to the front.
LOUNGE/ DINING ROOML- shaped room. Double glazed window to the front and side. Television point. Coving to the ceiling. Three radiators. Laminated wood flooring. Space for lounge and dining furniture.
KITCHEN2.84m (9' 4") x 2.84m (9' 4")Fitted wall and base units. Work surfaces. One and a half bowl sink units. Gas cooker point. Space for washing machine. Tiled walls. Radiator. Space for fridge freezer. Double glazed window to the side. Double glazed door to the side.
BEDROOM ONE3.89m (12' 9") x 3.12m (10' 3")Double glazed window to the rear. Radiator.
BEDROOM TWO2.64m (8' 8") x 2.87m (9' 5")Double glazed window to the rear. Radiator.
INNER LOBBYLoft access with pull down ladder.
BATHROOM/ WCWhite three piece suite comprising of panelled bath with shower over. Pedestal wash hand basin and low level WC. Tiled walls. Chrome towel radiator. Double glazed window to the side.
FRONT GARDENConcrete driveway.
REAR GARDENPaved area. Ornamental pond. Planted borders. Fenced boundaries.
GARAGE5.54m (18' 2") x 2.59m (8' 6")
Property Features :
- Semi detached bungalow
- Drive and garage
- Two bedrooms
- Lounge/ dining room
- Convenient location
- Manageable sized gardens