This beautifully appointed detached bungalow has accommodation comprising: entrance porch and hallway, lounge with open fire, snug, breakfast kitchen with utility pantry, two bedrooms, family bathroom and two separate WC's. The property sits within a generous plot with lawned gardens to the front and rear, driveway and garage. Located on Wulstan Drive, the bungalow is conveniently situated for Newcastle Under Lyme town centre, amenities, commuter and bus routes.
Porch | x . UPVC double glazed front door and surround, light point, tiled flooring.
Hall | x . Double cloakroom storage closet, radiator, light point. Loft access to a useful storage space with retractable ladder, double glazed window, light and power.
Lounge | 14'11\" x 11'9\" (4.55m x 3.58m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point, feature fireplace housing an open fire.
Bedroom One | 11'7\" x 10'4\" (3.53m x 3.15m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point.
Bedroom Two | 11'7\" x 9'7\" (3.53m x 2.92m). Double glazed window, radiator, light point.
Bathroom | x . Panelled bath with shower attachment, vanity wash hand basin, airing cupboard, radiator, light point, tiled walls and flooring, double glazed window.
WC | x . Low level WC, tiled walls and double glazed window.
Snug | 10'4\" x 8'11\" (3.15m x 2.72m). Two double glazed windows, radiator, light/fan.
Kitchen | 10'3\" x 12' (3.12m x 3.66m). Range of modern cream gloss units at eye and base level with wood block work surfaces over housing a ceramic sink and drainer unit. Ceramic hob and eye level double oven and grill, space and plumbing for a slim line dishwasher. Double glazed window, radiator, space for a dining table, built in storage cupboards, tiled flooring. Walk in pantry with space and plumbing for a washing machine, shelving, light point and window.
Rear Lobby | x . Front and rear external doors, light point, integral door to the garage.
WC | x . Low level WC, tiled walls, double glazed window.
Garage | 7'7\" x 18'7\" (2.31m x 5.66m). Up and over door, window, inspection pit, wall mounted central heating boiler, light and power.
External | x . To the front of the property is a lawned garden with mature borders and paved driveway providing off road parking and access to the garage. To the rear is a generous lawned rear garden with mature shrubbery borders, vegetable plot, paved patio, greenhouse, timber shed, outside lighting and gated access to both sides giving access to the front.