Property description
Hunters are delighted to offer this SEMI-DETACHED DORMA STYLE BUNGALOW with TWO/ THREE BEDROOMS, situated in a residential area with a FANTASTIC CORNER GARDEN, with a DRIVE AND GARAGE at the rear of the property. The living accommodation benefits from GAS FIRED CENTRAL HEATING and PVC DOUBLE GLAZING, comprises; large conservatory, kitchen with oven and hob appliances, two ground floor bedrooms and a combined bathroom/ WC. A staircase from the lounge leads to the bedroom in the roof. Outside is an ENCLOSED GARDEN TO THREE SIDES and a driveway leads to a SINGLE GARAGE. The property is offered with NO CHAIN INVOLVED.
LOUNGE5.49m (18' 0")x 3.84m (12' 7") to 3.28m (10' 9")Double glazed window to front. Television point. Radiator. Stone fireplace with living flame effect gas fire. Wooden staircase to first floor bedroom.
CONSERVATORY4.11m (13' 6") x 2.46m (8' 1")PVC double glazed windows to rear and side. Laminated wood flooring. Radiator.
KITCHEN3.68m (12' 1") x 2.54m (8' 4")Fitted wall and base units. Work surfaces. One and a half bowl sink unit. Built in electric oven. Built in gas hob. Ceiling halogen spotlights. Stable style side door to conservatory.
BEDROOM ONE3.45m (11' 4") x 3.28m (10' 9")Double glazed window to rear. Radiator.
BEDROOM TWO2.51m (8' 3") x 2.62m (8' 7")Double glazed windows to rear and side. Radiator. Worcester combination boiler.
BEDROOM THREE3.20m (10' 6") x 3.76m (12' 4")Double glazed window to rear. Radiator. Access to eaves storage space.
BATHROOM/ WC1.85m (6' 1") x 1.65m (5' 5")White three piece suite comprising of panelled bath with shower over, pedestal wash hand basin and low level WC. Tiled walls. Radiator. Tiled flooring. Halogen spotlighting.
FRONT/ SIDE GARDENLawned area. Planted borders. Hedged boundaries. Driveway leading to the garage. Cold water tap. Gated to the side to a paved pathway.
ROOMGARAGEWith off road parking spaces. Light and power points.
Property Features :
- Semi detached bungalow
- Two/ Three bedrooms
- Conservatory extension
- Corner garden
- Drive and garage
- No chain involved