Property description
Located at the head of a quiet cul-de-sac and being on the cusp of the countryside is this attractive two double bedroom true bungalow, which enjoys the most delightful views to the rear. The bungalow has been very well maintained and the accommodation, which is beautifully presented, briefly comprises: spacious entrance hallway and a generous living room/dining room with window to side elevation and a large picture window to the rear with an open aspect. The kitchen is well-fitted and has good additional built-in storage and there are two good sized bedrooms and a pristine bathroom with a white suite. To the front of the property there is a block-paved driveway and an attached garage (the only link with the adjoining property). To the rear is a very well-maintained private lawned garden with a sunny aspect and three patio areas from which to enjoy the splendid views over the open fields. The property benefits from double glazing and has a modern combination gas central heating system. Given the highly sought after location, the size and presentation of the accommodation and the lovely views - an early viewing is essential to avoid disappointment. No onward chain.
Accommodation comprises:
* Entrance Hallway
Double glazed entrance door, radiator, laminate flooring, access to loft, one wall light point.
* Living Room
15‘11" x 15‘6" (4.86m x 4.73m)
T.v. aerial point, Sky/Virgin points, large double glazed picture window to the rear with stunning open aspect, double glazed window to side elevation, laminate flooring, three wall light points, two radiators.
* Kitchen
11‘6" x 10‘3" (3.51m x 3.13m)
Fitted kitchen with Shaker style base and eye level units with tiled splashbacks and under lighting, ‘Diplomat‘ electric hob, electric oven oven, stainless steel extractor hood, stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap, plumbing for washing machine, tiled floor, two storage cupboards one of which houses Worcester combination boiler, radiator, double glazed window to rear elevation with views, double glazed door to side elevation.
* Bedroom One
14‘10" x 10‘0" (4.53m x 3.05m)
Double glazed window to front elevation, laminate flooring, radiator, t.v. aerial point.
* Bedroom Two/Dining Room
10‘11" x 10‘1" (3.33m x 3.08m)
Double glazed window to front elevation, laminate flooring, radiator.
* Bathroom
White suite comprising panelled bath and Mira electric shower over, pedestal hand wash basin, push button w.c., chrome ladder radiator, electric shaver point, part tiled walls, tiled floor, double glazed window to side elevation.
* Garage
16‘9" x 9‘0" (5.12m x 2.75m)
Up and over door to front, double glazed window to rear, water tap, gas/electric metres, electric consumer unit.
* Outside
To the front of the property is a large alpine style garden area with gravel and numerous shrubs. There is a block-paved parking area, which leads to the attached garage.
To the rear is a private garden with a sunny aspect and stunning open views over the adjoining fields. There is a lawn with well-stocked borders and beds and three patio areas. To the side is a brick built store with a covered roofing area adjoining the house and gated access to the front and rear (some of the neighbouring properties developed this area further to create a utility area). There is also a brick built bin store.
Strictly by appointment through the sole agents on 01625 430044.
The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for their purpose. Neither had the agent checked the freehold/leasehold status of the property. The agent would also point out that the majority of photographs used on their sales particulars and window displays are taken with non-standard lens. Whittaker & Biggs for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property, whose agents they are, do give notice that the particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract and no person in the employment of Whittaker & Biggs has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
Band D
Property Features :
- A beautifully presented two double bedroom bungalow with the most stunning open aspect to the rear
- Situated in a much sought after location on the cusp of the countryside
- 15ft square living room/dining room with large picture window
- Attractive fitted kitchen and bathroom
- Attractive gardens, off road parking and attached garage
- Delightful sunny rear garden with an open aspect
- No chain