Full description
The accommodation, with approximate room sizes, is as follows:
Staircase to second floor where the flat occupies the whole top floor. Entrance door to flat.
Access via hatch to Loft, laminate flooring, doors to;
LOUNGE/DINER: (15? 7? x 9? 7?)
Double glazed window to rear, laminate flooring, storage heater, opens to;
KITCHEN: (10? x 6? 6?)
Double glazed window to rear, modern range of wall and base units, rolled edge work surfaces with stainless steel sink and drainer unnit inset, built-in stainless-steel oven and electric hob, space and plumbing for washing machine, fridge freezer, and slim-line dishwasher, storage cupboard housing hot-water tank, larder cupboard, laminate floor.
BEDROOM:?(12? 7? x 9? 2?)
Double glazed window to front, storage heater, laminate flooring.
Refitted white suite with pedestal wash hand basin, low-level WC, panelled bath with shower over, fully tiled to walls and floor, extractor fan.
Parking space in private car park.
Lawned communal gardens with drying areas, bin-storage area, and further lawned communal garden for residents only (with a picnic bench and space for barbeques).
We have been advised by our vendor that the property currently has 73 years remaining on the lease.
The management of the block is ran by the residents, meaning the service charges are very low compared to other similar properties in the area;
Service Charges - £400-£500 per annum
Ground Rent - £65.00 per annum.
If you have any further questions regarding this property, please call Hamilton Piers.