Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
PURLEY Surrey, CR8 1HR
Property description
PORCH Double glazed front door to hallway, door to living area.
LIVING AREA Triple glazed window to front, radiator, power points, built in cupboards housing meters, fitted shelving, built in double wardrobe, bed recess, door to inner hallway.
INNER HALL Airing cupboard, door to bathroom, door to kitchen.
KITCHEN Refitted wall and base units, built in gas hob, oven below and cooker hood above, cupboard housing replaced boiler, double glazed window with double glazed single door to patio area, power points, plumbing for washing machine, space for tall fridge freezer, single stainless steel sink and drainer unit.
BATHROOM Refitted white suite, panelled bath, independent wall mounted shower, pedestal wash hand basin, low level w.c., double glazed window, radiator.
COMMUNAL GROUNDS Access to your own private patio area perfect for relaxing in the seclusion of the communal grounds, right of way pathway which leads to the front of the block and to the garage en bloc.
GARAGE EN BLOC Up and over door to a single garage.