Abbotts welcome to the market this four bedroom detached family home in Laindon with integral garage and off street parking. The property downstairs comprises a lounge/diner, a bright and airy conservatory, shower room and WC, as well as a kitchen that leads on to a utility room. Upstairs there are four double bedrooms and a three piece bathroom suite, as well as plenty of built-in storage.
Entrance | Via double glazed door into:
Porch | Carpeted, smooth painted ceiling and panelled double glazed door into:
Entrance hallway | Smooth painted ceiling, spotlights, carpet, skirting, radiator and door to:
Downstairs Cloakroom | Fully tiled walls, low level WC, tiled flooring, wash hand basin, radiator, obscure double glazed window to front and cornice.
Shower Room | Walk-in shower, wash hand basin, radiator and tiled walls and flooring.
Lounge/Diner | 29' x 12'11\" (8.84m x 3.94m). Smooth painted ceiling, gas fire with marble base, two radiators, fully carpeted, double glazed bay window to front, TV and power points, coved cornice to ceiling, serving hatch from dining area to kitchen and double glazed patio doors leading onto:
Conservatory | 12'8\" x 11'2\" (3.86m x 3.4m). Fully carpeted, skirting, power points, fully double glazed and double glazed French doors leading onto garden area.
Kitchen | 11'7\" x 9'9\" (3.53m x 2.97m). Tiled flooring, double glazed window to rear, stainless steel sink and drainer with singular taps, a variety of wall and base level units, plumbed area for dishwasher, space for double American fridge freezer, tiled walls and power points. There is a doorway leading onto second kitchen area, which has textured ceiling, obscure double glazed window to side, fully tiled walls, tiled flooring, stainless steel sink with drainer and singular taps, gas hob with extractor above, roll top work surface, electric integrated cooker, built in storage cupboard and space for fridge.
Landing | Loft access, textured ceiling and door to:
Bedroom One | 14'3\" x 9'7\" (4.34m x 2.92m). Textured ceiling, coved cornice to ceiling, double radiator, fully carpeted, TV point, power points, fitted sliding wardrobes, skirting and double glazed window to front.
Bedroom Two | 13'3\" x 9'7\" (4.04m x 2.92m). Textured ceiling, coved cornice to ceiling, double glazed window to front, fully carpeted with skirting, power points and radiator.
Bedroom Three | 11'1\" x 9'11\" (3.38m x 3.02m). Textured ceiling, coved cornice to ceiling, carpeted, skirting, double glazed window to rear and radiator.
Bedroom Four | 9'11\" x 8'9\" (3.02m x 2.67m). Textured ceiling, coved cornice to ceiling, radiator, carpet, skirting, built-in storage cupboard, wall mounted thermostat and radiator.
Bathroom | Smooth painted ceiling with spotlights, panelled bath with shower screen and shower fitted above, low level WC with flush button system, wash hand basin with mixer taps, obscure double glazed window to rear, radiator and tiled walls and flooring.
Garden | Crazy paved patio area, stepped feature to centralised lawn area, side access, shed, a variety of shrub and flower borders and fenced borders.