A three bedroom detached recently built Taylor Wimpy home offering immaculate contemporary interior including spacious entrance hallway, kitchen diner, lounge/diner, guest wc, master bedroom with en-suite, two further bedrooms and a house bathroom .Other benefits include driveway and separate garage. A beautiful rear garden backing to a wooden coppice.
Approach | Canopy over front door with side garden and driveway to both sides.
Entrance hallway | A spacious entrance hallway having oak flooring, radiator, stairs leading to first floor accommodation, with storage underneath, doors leading to guest WC, lounge/diner, kitchen/diner.
Lounge | 15'6\" x 12'2\" (4.72m x 3.7m). Two double glazed full length windows to rear with double glazed french style door opening onto garden, oak flooring.
Kitchen/diner | 11'3\" x 10'1\" (3.43m x 3.07m). A high gloss contemporary kitchen offering a range of wall and base units, built in oven, hob, extractor above, space for washing machine and dishwasher, work surfaces, with inset sink and drainer, radiator, housing boiler, double glazed window to front aspect, also benefiting from a porcelain tiled flooring, and breakfast area.
WC | Cloakroom offering, low level wc, pedestal wash hand basin, with tiled splash back, radiator and extractor fan.
Landing | Radiator, loft access, doors leading to all bedrooms and bathroom.
Bedroom 1 | 9'8\" x 9'5\" (2.95m x 2.87m). Double glazed window to front aspect, radiator, mirrored fronted wardrobe and door leading to en-suite shower room.
En-suite | Having shower cubicle, pedestal wash hand basin, low level wc, radiator, extractor fan, and obscure double glazed window to front.
Bedroom 2 | 10'8\" x 8'7\" (3.25m x 2.62m). Double glazed window to rear, single and triple wardrobes, radiator.
Bedroom 3 | 10'7\" x 6'7\" (3.23m x 2m). A larger then average third bedroom, double glazed window to rear, radiator.
Bathroom | Comprising of a three piece bathroom suite, offering panelled bath with shower over, pedestal wash hand basin, low level wc, and radiator and extractor fan.
Rear garden | A well maintained garden offering privacy with wooded area behind, comprising of a paved area, lawn area, outside tap and gated side access.
Garage | Set back from the property, up and over door, also benefitting from power and lighting.